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Living in Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin is one of the world's leading centers for the research and development of biotechnology. Wisconsin also has a network of  Technical schools throughout the state. 10
9 The state has nearly 500 public courses, ranking it among the top states for its ratio of golfers to courses.
Milwaukee's Summerfest is recognized by the Guiness Book of World Records as the "World's Largest Outdoor Music Festival." 8
7 Home of the world's most famous motorcycle manufacturer (Harley-Davidson).
The Green Bay Packers are the only publicly owned franchise in the NFL. 6
5 With 15,000 inland lakes, more than 33,000 miles of rivers and streams, two Great Lakes and the Mississippi River, the fishing, and boating,  opportunities in Wisconsin are virtually limitless.
Wisconsin has one of the lowest unemployment rates and lowest cost of living indices in the country. 4
3 Wisconsin has excellent grade schools and high schools . In fact, among states in which the ACT is the predominant college admission test, Wisconsin has received the top score in the nation every year since 1995. 
Wisconsin is historically one of the nation's leading producers of many food products, including milkcheesecranberriesginseng  and beer 2
1 Wisconsin residents are famous for their warmth and friendliness.

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