ESRL/GMD Total Ozone

Welcome to the NOAA/ESRL/GMD - Ozone and Water Vapor Group (OZWV) Total Ozone home page. This space is devoted to the archived data, papers, and information pertaining to the total ozone project. The Dobson Ozone Spectrophotometer has been used to study total ozone since its development in the 1920's. The observations of total ozone, the total amount of ozone in a column from the surface to the edge of the atmosphere, by this instrument is one of the longest geophysical measurements series in existence. Today, the instrument is an important part of a global effort to understand the role of stratospheric ozone in atmospheric chemistry, biological and ecological effects of solar UV radiation, climate and weather. ESRL/GMD maintains 15 stations which use the Dobson Ozone spectrophotometer, and is the World Dobson Ozone Calibration Centre under the Global Atmosphere Watch, responsible for the calibration of the 100+ instruments worldwide.

Archives currently containing selected daily O3 observations for 1962 through December 2005. You may need the key to the data format in this archive...

Please read this for station and observation information...

Papers with more information...

Trouble Shooting Guides


Various Dobson and O3 related pictures...

For more information, contact...

Cooperative efforts: