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HUD Environmental Notices

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These environmental notices and handbooks provide guidance for environmental review processing for various HUD programs for which environmental procedures and standards are authorized to assure compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act and related Federal environmental laws, executive orders, and authorities.

CPD Notice 04-08 - August 10, 2004
Waiving statutory environmental review requirements for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program for Tribes that Have Assumed Environmental Review Responsibilities under 24 CFR Part 58
Indian Housing Block Grant

OSWER Vision Newsletter
From EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER). OSWER Vision is a comprehensive, quarterly newsletter created to provide readers with an overview of OSWER’s program updates.
more... | Letter From the OSWER Assistant Administrator | Subscribe

HUD Wins ACHP Chairman's Award for Federal Achievement in Historic Preservation
Holsten Corporation, Chicago Housing Authority, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Among Partners Honored for Effort to Preserve Raymond M. Hilliard Center Historic District

The Noise Guidebook has been Updated!
The supplement to Chapter 4: Sound Transmission Class Guidance, is now available online.
more... | Noise Guidebook

Notice CPD 04-08 PDF | WORD - August 10, 2004 - Waiving statutory environmental review requirements for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program for Tribes that Have Assumed Environmental Review Responsibilities under 24 CFR Part 58

Notice CPD-03-01 PDF | WORD - February 10, 2003 - Implementing Risk Analysis for Monitoring Responsible Entities for Compliance with 24 CFR Part 58 for FY 2003

Notice CPD-02-07 - "CEQ Survey of Cooperating Agency Agreements for Implementing the Procedural Requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for HUD Programs"
Used by: HUD staff
Description: This notice requests information from HUD Field Offices relating to Cooperating Agency Agreements, which are formalized agreements used to facilitate Federal and non-federal governmental coordination of complex environmental analysis in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Although these agreements have not been widely used for environmental analysis for HUD programs, CEQ has found, based on extensive research, that Cooperating Agency Agreements can improve the quality of communication between governmental entities involved in NEPA for projects and activities subject to NEPA.

Notice CPD-01-11 - "Environmental Review and the HOME Investment Partnerships Program."
Used by: HUD staff, HOME participating jurisdictions, state recipients, subrecipients, and third parties including property owners, contractors and developer partners, both public and private entities.
Description: The purpose of this notice is to provide guidance on the environmental review process required under the HOME program rule (24 CFR 92.352). Additionally, this notice explains the responsibilities of HUD staff, HOME participating jurisdictions, state recipients, sub recipients, and third parties including property owners, contractors and developer partners, both public and private entities, in performing their environmental review responsibilities in accordance with 24 CFR Part 58. Several documents referred to in this notice may only be accessible through the Internet.

Notice CPD-01-09 - "Modified Environmental Processing for Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) Fiscal Year 2001 Legislative Change" Used by: HUD staff and recipient organizations, consortia and their affiliates Description: This notice implements Section 202 of the American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000 which permits reimbursement of organizations, consortia and affiliates under the Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program for their acquisition of land prior to approval of environmental review. Also, this notice extends the provisions of Notice CPD-98-10. To the extent that the provisions of CPD-98-10 are inconsistent with this notice, the provisions of this notice shall govern.

Notice PIH-99-37 (ONAP) - "Indian Housing Block Grant Program: Guidance and Procedures If Tribes Do Not Assume Environmental Review Responsibilities under 24 CFR Part 58"
Used by: Recipients or HUD staff
Description: The purpose of this Notice is to describe the responsibilities of the recipient and of the HUD Area Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) if the tribe does not assume environmental review responsibilities under 24 CFR Part 58 - "Environmental Review Procedures for Entities Assuming HUD Environmental Responsibilities." This Notice also defines the information to be provided by recipients to the HUD Area ONAP Administrator for compliance with environmental review responsibilities under 24 CFR Part 50 - "Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality." The authority for Indian Housing Block Grant environmental review is Section 105 of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996. 24 CFR 1000.18--1000.20 (What environmental review requirements apply? Is an Indian tribe required to assume environmental review responsibilities?)

Notice CPD-99-08 - "Modified Environmental Processing for Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP)"
Used by: Recipients or HUD staff
Description: This Notices extends through October 14, 2000, the provisions of Notice CPD 98-10 (originally issued October 14, 1998). See below Notice CPD-98-10.

Notice CPD-99-07 - "Field Environmental Review Processing for the HUD Urban Empowerment Zones (EZ) Program (Round II)
Used by: Recipients or HUD staff
Description: This Notice directs field office CPD Division Directors to perform the environmental review processing for any EZ projects located within their HUD field office jurisdiction. These field CPD Division Directors shall direct their staff to conduct the environmental review in accordance with 24 CFR Part 50 - "Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality." (Part 50) EZ grantees must supply field CPD Division Directors with information that would help HUD complete the environmental review procedure under Part 50. The Notice defines the information to be provided by EZ grantees to HUD, whenever EZ grantees propose to use EZ or non-HUD funds to acquire, rehabilitate, convert, lease, repair or construct property. 24 CFR 598.405(Environmental review)

Notice CPD-99-01 - "Field Environmental Review Processing for HUD Colonias Initiative (HCI) Grants"
Description: This Notice provides direction for field environmental review processing as set forth in paragraph II(N) of the notice of funding availability (63 FR 38251, July 15, 1998, at page 38255) for the HUD Colonias Initiative Program in the four border States where colonias are found: Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. This Notice directs certain field office CPD Division Directors to perform the environmental review processing for any HCI projects located within their HUD field office jurisdiction. These field CPD Division Directors shall direct their staff to conduct the environmental review in accordance with 24 CFR Part 50 - "Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality." (Part 50) HCI grantees must supply field CPD Division Directors with information that would help HUD complete the environmental review procedure under Part 50. The Notice defines the information to be provided by HCI grantees to HUD.

Notice CPD-98-10 - "Modified Environmental Processing for Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP)"
Description: The purpose of this Notice is to modify the environmental review processing set forth in the provisions of CPD Notice 97-02 (as extended by CPD Notice 98-04)--Environmental Guide for Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program. The Notice authorizes HUD field offices under certain circumstances to conduct compliance reviews in accordance with 24 CFR Part 50 - "Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality." (Part 50) When the unit of general local government within which the project is located declines or is unable (as determined by the HUD field office CPD Division Director) to perform the environmental review procedure under 24 CFR Part 58 - "Environmental Review Procedures for Entities Assuming HUD Environmental Responsibilities," then HUD will no longer request upper levels of government such as the county and then the State to perform the review procedure. Instead, subrecipients may supply the HUD field office with information that would help HUD complete the environmental review procedure under Part 50. The Notice defines the information to be provided by subrecipients to the HUD field office CPD Division Director. Also, the Notice replaces CPD Notices 98-04 and 97-02

Notice CPD-96-06 "Field Environmental Processing for Loan Guarantee Recovery Fund" (in the process of being revised)
Description: This Notice establishes the role of the HUD field office in the environmental processing under 24 CFR Part 50 for the Loan Guarantee Recovery Fund (LGRF) administered from Headquarters by the Financial Management Division. The LGRF is authorized by Section 4 of the Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996. The LGRF mets an urgent need of certain non-profit organizations to rebuild their properties which have been damaged by an act of arson or terrorism. To address the damage to property, LGRF may be used to finance property acquisition, rehabilitation, new construction, site clearance, preparation and improvements, for which HUD must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act and the related Federal environmental laws and authorities cited in §50.4 prior to the HUD issuance of a letter of commitment. 24 CFR 573.8 (Environmental procedures and standards)

Notice CPD-93-37 - "Field Environmental Processing for the Youthbuild-Program." (in the process of being revised)
Description: This Notice explains the environmental processing that the Office of Economic Development (OED) will use for the Youthbuild Program, which is administered from the HUD Headquarters Office. HUD Field Offices are assigned the lead responsibility for performing such processing, whenever the OED requests the HUD Field Office to process a Youthbuild applicant's environmental threshold information in accord with this Notice. Environmental procedures apply to HUD approval of implementation grants when the applicant proposes to use Youthbuild funds to cover any costs for the lease, acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction of real property that is proposed for housing project development. Environmental procedures do not apply to HUD approval of implementation grants when applicants propose to use their Youthbuild funds solely to cover any costs for classroom and/or on-the-job construction training and supportive services. 24 CFR 585.307 (Environmental procedures and standards)

Handbook 1390.05 - "Environmental Policy for Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program." (in the process of being revised)
Description: This Handbook specifies the environmental review and documentation requirements to be followed by HUD field offices for grants under HUD's program for Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (hereafter, HOPWA Grants). CPD Field Division Directors are to provide a copy of this handbook to all HOWPA grantees with the grant approval letter. This handbook alerts grantees of the environmental criteria important in the selection of properties free of major hazards and problems. The Handbook replaces Notice CPD-92-39 by the same title. 24 CFR 574.510 (Environmental procedures and standards)

Handbook 4590.01 Rev-1 - "Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Risk-Sharing Pilot Program."
Description: The program is authorized under Section 542(c) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992. The Handbook provides environmental procedures and standards in environmental sections: 3-10, 4-2(F), 7-6(B) of the Handbook. All projects insured under this program are subject to the requirements of 24 CFR Part 58 - "Environmental Review Procedures for Entities Assuming HUD Environmental Responsibilities." (Part 58) The HFA may choose to have either the unit of general local government with land use and building permit jurisdiction for the project site, or the State, the Indian tribe or Alaska native village perform the environmental review. The environmental review will not be conducted by HUD except in cases where HUD approves a request of legal incapacity in accordance with §58.11. The HFA, provided it meets the definition of Responsible Entity, may perform its own environmental reviews in accordance with Part 58. 24 CFR 266.210 (HUD-retained review function)

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