Indiana Long Term Care Insurance Program
Taking care of tomorrow is just good policy
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  • 1 of 2 Women and 1 of 3 men over the age of 65 will need nursing home care at some point in their lifetime.
  • Even more will need home care.
  • And currently, 40% of those using long term care services in the United States are between the ages of 18 and 64.

Have you planned for your long term care needs?

The Indiana Long Term Care Insurance Program (ILTCIP) is an innovative partnership between the State of Indiana and private long term care insurance companies. Indiana has taken the lead in helping its residents protect their hard-earned life savings from the high cost of long term care.

All long term care insurance is not the same. Policies approved by the Indiana Long Term Care Insurance Program, better known as "Partnership policies," offer significant advances never before available. And, with the state tax deduction, Partnership policies can help Hoosiers protect even more of their savings.

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