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EFH Regulatory Guidelines

Subpart J

The EFH Regulations provide clear guidance and efficient procedures for Councils, NOAA Fisheries, and other agencies. Noteworthy elements include:

  • Description and Identification of EFH: (1) clear standards for identifying EFH, including requirements to refer to geographic boundaries and to provide maps; (2) guidance encouraging Councils to distinguish EFH from all potential habitats
  • Evaluation of Fishing Activities that May Adversely Affect EFH: (1) specific guidance on what information Councils should provide in the evaluation; (2) clear standards for deciding when Councils must act to minimize adverse effects
  • EFH Consultation Procedures: (1) reinforcement of NOAA Fisheries’ preference for combining EFH consultations with other environmental reviews (e.g., NEPA, Clean Water Act) to promote efficiency; (2) streamlined procedures for developing General Concurrences (which eliminate the need for individual consultations on actions with minimal impacts to EFH); (3) clarification that for relatively simple actions, the federal agency’s written assessment of effects to EFH may be very brief.

EFH Final Rule (50 CFR 600)

Subpart J: Essential Fish Habitat description and identification, habitat areas of particular concern, and minimizing adverse effects of fishing on EFH to the extent practicable.

600.805 - Subpart J Purpose and Scope
600.810 - Subpart J Definitions
600.815 - Subpart J Contents of Fishery Management Plans


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