Early Childhood Iowa
Growing Our Youngest Iowans
Iowa's Vision: Every child, beginning at birth, will be healthy and successful.
Early Childhood Iowa
NGA Materials
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Policy & Fiscal Assessment Committee
System Grant Initiatives
Iowa Early Childhood Initiatives
Reports and Important Documents
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Maternal Depression Training
ECI Congress

Welcome to the Early Childhood Iowa Web site

Visit our parent Web site: http://www.parents.earlychildhoodiowa.org

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The Early Childhood Iowa Web site serves as a site to promote Iowa's system of systems in the area of early care, health, and education.

Early Childhood Iowa
Early Childhood Iowa is a confederation or alliance of stakeholders in early care, health and education systems that affect children age zero to five in the state of Iowa. Its purpose is to support the development and integration of an early care, health and education system for Iowa.

Early Childhood Iowa Stakeholders
The purpose the stakeholders is to be a catalyst in the development of Iowa's comprehensive, integrated early care, health, and education system. The next stakeholders meeting is scheduled for September 23, 2008 @ the Urbandale Public Library. If you would like more information or would like to attend this meeting, please contact Jenny Hodges at jhodges@idph.state.ia.us.

Early Childhood Iowa Component Groups
1. Quality Services & Programs
2. Public Engagement
3. Professional Development
4. Resources & Funding
5. Governance Planning & Administration
6. Results Accountability

**Now Available**
Would you like to learn more about the Early Childhood Iowa Congress? We now have a link, which includes the date for the next ECI Congress as well as information in regards to the work of the planning committee.

Getting School Ready in Iowa - A guide for families and early care, health, and education providers caring for children who will be attending kindergarten in Iowa. The Getting School Ready in Iowa guide can be ordered through the Healthy Families Line at ISU Extension. This document is also available in Spanish. To order the document call 1-800-369-2229.

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