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IRS logo Section 508 for Software Development
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Module Introduction
Software Accessibility Guidelines
508 Conformance Evaluation Methodologies
Provision A
Provision B
Provision C
Provision D
Provision E
Provision F
Provision G
Provision H
Provision I
Provision J
Provision K
Provision L
Module Conclusion

Module Conclusion

Congratulations! You have completed the training for Section 508 for Software Development. The goals of this module were to:

  • Introduce you to the software provisions.
  • Familiarize you with assessment, development, and remediation guidelines.
  • Provide coding examples that can be utilized to remediate deficiencies.

Whether you’re developing new software or addressing issues in existing applications, you can use the information provided by this training to ensure that your application conforms to the provisions cited in §1194.21 of Section 508. Always take time to consult the provisions prior to and during development and remediation of your applications. Remember, you play a crucial role in addressing the need for accessibility for each and every person.

If you would like to print the course material, you have several options from which to choose. You can print the Section 508 for Software Development Overview, the Section 508 for Software Development Training (without coding language examples), and/or print each of five coding language-specific examples and guidelines.

To print the course material, select one of the links below. By selecting a link, you will be taken to another window, which will display a print-friendly HTML version of the material you selected. Select the “Print” option from your browser menu to print the document.

Section 508 for Software Development Overview
Section 508 for Software Development Training—Provisions-only
Section 508 for Software Development Training—COBOL/CICS
Section 508 for Software Development Training—Oracle Forms
Section 508 for Software Development Training—Visual C++
Section 508 for Software Development Training—Visual Basic
Section 508 for Software Development Training—Java

Graphic of certificate of completion.