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Fuel Cell Experts

Click on a name below for a full résumé.

From Chemical Sciences and Engineering

Romesh Kumar, Senior Chemical Engineer, Manager - Fuel Cell Technology
phone: 630/252-4342, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of California-Berkeley
  • Fuel cell system design and analysis, reformate processing for fuel cell systems, development of catalytic and sorbent materials
  • Ten patents

Shabbir Ahmed, Group Leader, Fuel Processor Engineering
phone: 630/252-4553, fax: 630/972-4553, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Nebraska
  • Systems analysis for hydrogen production and purification systems, fuel processing for fuel cell systems: catalyst development, reactor design and evaluation
  • Eleven patents

Theodore R. Krause, Group Leader, Reforming Catalysts and Processes
phone: 630/252-4356, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware
  • Fuel processing for fuel cell systems
  • Partial oxidation reforming
  • Catalyst development and evaluation

Deborah J. Myers, Group Leader, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Materials
phone: 630/252-4261, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Analytical Chemistry, University of Illinois-Urbana
  • Non-platinum bimetallic polymer electrolyte fuel cell cathode electrocatalysts
  • Degradation mechanisms of platinum-based polymer electrolyte fuel cell cathode electrocatalysts
  • Ethanol oxidation electrocatalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells
  • X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of base metal polymer electrolyte fuel cell cathode electrocatalysts

J. David Carter, Materials Engineer
phone: 630/252-4544, fax: 630/972-4544, e-mail:

  • PhD, Ceramic Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla
  • Materials, processing, and cell and stack testing for SOFCs
  • Eight patents, three patents pending and more than sixty technical publications

Terry A. Cruse, Metallurgical Engineer
phone: 630/252-6043, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Metallurgical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla
  • Materials and processing techniques for SOFC applications
  • Novel materials and processing techniques for high-temperature ceramic composites

Magali Ferrandon, Assistant Chemical Engineer
phone: 630/252-6260, fax: 630/252-5655, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Hydrolysis reaction in the Cu-CL thermochemical cycle

Brian Ingram, Assistant Materials Engineer
phone: 630/252-5964, fax: 2-4176, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University
  • Investigation of the fundamental properties of oxygen reduction and exchange in perovskite materials used for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes
  • Development of processing techniques to produce and utilize perovskite materials, and examining the interactions of these materials under cell environments
  • One patent and eighteen publications

Nancy Kariuki, Assistant Chemist
phone: 630-252-4733, fax: 630-252-9917, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Chemistry, State University of New York at Binghamton
  • Development of non-platinum cathode electrocatalysts for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC).
  • Development of a novel PEMFC stack using patterned aligned carbon nanotubes as electrodes in membrane electrode assembly (MEA).
  • Twenty-four journal articles and two patents

Michael Krumpelt, Principle Investigator, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
phone: 630/252-8520, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Physical chemistry, University of Braunschweig, Germany
  • Fuel cell materials and processes
  • Fuel processing and catalysis
  • Electrochemistry, systems analysis, technology assessment
  • Over 200 papers and reports, over 25 patents, many invited lectures

Sheldon H.D. Lee, Chemical Engineer
phone: 630/252-4395, fax: 630/972-4442, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Fuels Engineering, University of Utah
  • Development of micro-reactor test facility for steam reforming of ethanol
  • Integrated methane reformer system development

Michele Lewis, Chemist
phone: 630/252-6603; fax: 630/252-5246; e-mail:

  • PhD., Northern Illinois University
  • Hydrogen production using thermochemical cycles
  • Hydrogen production, gas-solid reactions, process design, copper chemistry

Di-Jia Liu, Chemist
phone 630/252-4511, fax 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, The University of Chicago
  • Postdoc, Physical Chemistry, The University of California, Berkeley
  • Nanomaterials for PEm fuel cell catalyst and electrode development
  • Nanostructured porous polymers for on-board hydrogen storage applications
  • Fuel-reforming catalyst and electrode structural characterization for SOFCs
  • Synchrotron X-ray investigations on heterogeneous catalyst for NoX reduction, electrocatalyst for fuel cells and photocatalyst for hydrogen production
  • Seven patents and more than fifty scientific publications

Jennifer Mawdsley, Materials Scientist
phone: 630/252-4608, fax: 630/972-4452, e-mail:

  • PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University
  • Fuel processing for fuel cell systems
  • Catalyst development and evaluation

Suhas G. Niyogi
phone: 630/252-4510, fax: 630/972-4502, e-mail:

  • PhD, Polymer Chemistry, Calcutta University
  • Polymerization and new polymers for membranes
  • Non-Platinum bimetallic supported catalysts for oxygen reduction in fuel cells
  • Reactions of polymers, polymer blends and alloys, filled polymers and polymer nanocomposites
  • Twelve patents and thirty-three research publications

Dennis Papadias, Assistant Chemical Engineer
phone: 630/252-3206, fax: 630/972-4523, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Modeling and design of fuel processors for fuel cell applications
  • Hydrogen production and quality considerations for fuel cell vehicles
  • Impurity effects on membrane-electrolyte assembly components
  • Sub-freezing start-up of PEM fuel cells
  • Thirty technical papers and presentations

Matthew Smith, Postdoctoral Researcher
phone: 630/252-5670; fax: 630/252-4176; e-mail:

  • Ph.D. University of East Anglia (John Innes Centre), Norwich, United Kingdom
  • Synthetic and Theoretical/Computational Design of Novel Catalysts for Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells
  • In-situ spectroscopies to study the mechanism of catalyst degradation in fuel cells. 
  • X-ray and vibrational spectroscopies
  • Twenty-one publications

Xiaoping Wang, Chemist
phone: 630/252-1182, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Electrochemistry, North Carolina State University
  • Electrocatalysts for PEFCs and PEFCs' electrode stability
  • Electrode materials for SOFC and sulfur sorbents

Junbing Yang, Assistant Chemist
phone: 630/252-4699, fax: 630/252-4176, e-mail:
Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Catalyst development for proton exchange membrane and direct ethanol fuel cell
  • Development of novel proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack using patterned and aligned carbon nanotubes as electrodes in membrane electrode assembly
  • Fuel cell assembly and testing
  • Synthesis and testing of nanoporous polymer as hydrogen storage materials for transportation applications
  • Eight patents and over 30 publications

From Materials Science

Paul Fuoss, Physicist
phone: 630/252-3289, fax: 630/252-7777, e-mail:

Nenad Markovic, Senior Staff Scientist and Group Leader
phone: 630/252-5181, fax: 630/252-7777, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Belgrade
  • Hydrogen program
  • Fuel Cells program
  • Nanoscience program
  • Development and fundamental research of FC Catalysts
  • One patent and over 200 publications

Hoydoo You, Physicist
phone: 630/252-3429, fax: 630/252-7777, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Physics, University of Washington
  • Basic sciences of cathodes catalysts
  • Seventy journal publications

From Nuclear Engineering

Rajesh Ahluwalia, Senior Mechanical Engineer
phone: 630/252-5979, fax: 630/252-5287, e-mail:

Thanh Hua, Nuclear Engineer
phone: 630/252-7753, fax: 630/252-5287, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, University of Washington
  • Hydrogen storage

Jui-Kun Peng, Postdoctoral Appointee (new CV)
phone: 630/252-6593, fax: 630/252-3344, e-mail:

  • Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology
  • System level analysis of hydrogen storage options including gaseous and liquid hydrogen storage, metal hydrides, chemical hydrides, and carbon-based and new materials

Xiaohua (Joshua) Wang, Assistant Mechanical Engineer (new CV)
phone: 630/252-1475, fax: 630/252-3344, e-mail:

  • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Fuel Cell and Power Plant System
  • Hydrogen Storage
  • Stack Modeling
  • FIfteen journal publications

April 2008

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