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CADD Tips and Tricks

MicroStation V8 XM Edition

GEOPAK Road 2004 Edition

GEOPAK Site 2004 Edition

  • Quarry Design, Using GEOPAK Site
    In this example, we are furnished a .tin file that represents the existing ground of a material source. The objective is to remove approximately 100,000 cubic meters of rock material within the permitted boundary...
  • GEOPAK Site/Bentley PowerCivil Training Videos
    This page at Bentley contains several video clips on how to use various Site Modeler tools. The dataset used in most of these tools is also included.


InterPlot Organizer

  • Using InterPlot Organizer
    Open Interplot Organizer by going to "Start > Programs > Interplot Utilities > Interplot Organizer..."
  • Preparing your DGN File for Interplot Organizer
    Interplot Organizer allows the designer to plot multiple design sheets without having to open Microstation every time. By placing a shape on the D_Plot_Shape level inside Microstation (v2004), Interplot Organizer will plot whatever elements are inside it...

InterPlot (Iplot)


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Last update: September 4, 2008