HB No.

SB. No.



HB 1760


Relating to Highway Safety

Increases fine from $20 to $45 for each violation of mandatory seat belt use, by all passengers whether seated in back or front seats.

HB 1763


Relating to Bicycles

Requires Bicycle riders under 18 to wear a bicycle helmet.

HB 1845


Relating to Crime

Establishes interference with the reporting of an emergency or crime as a petty misdemeanor.

HB 1846


Making an Appropriation for the Good Beginnings Alliance

Appropriates $150,000 for Good Beginnings Alliance; requires matching funds from private sector.

HB 1849


Relating to Sex Offenders

Requires persons convicted of sex offenses against children to obtain psychiatric or psychological therapy upon the completion of their terms of imprisonment.

HB 1880


Relating to Firearms

Provides for continuing obligations on the part of firearms owners to meet registration requirements.

HB 1917


Relating to School Health

Establishes a comprehensive school health system that promotes the healthy development of all students and a comprehensive school health demonstration program. Convenes a joint planning committee to coordinate a phased implementation of the demonstration program.

HB 1918


Relating to the Penal Code

Creates a new offense of assault in the fourth degree. Increases the age of a minor from 8 to 12 with regard to offense against children. Raises penalties for the offense of assault in the 1st to 3rd degrees.

HB 1919


Relating to Firearms

Prohibits the ownership of pistols and revolvers effective 7/1/00.

HB 1920


Making an Emergency Appropriation for the Children's Health Insurance Program

Makes emergency appropriation for the Children's Health Insurance Program for FY 2000-2001.

HB 1921


Relating to Graduated Driver Licensing

Establishes a graduated driver licensing program for teen-aged drivers.

HB 1952


Relating to Handguns

Establishes a handgun safety performance standard commission to adopt a safety performance standard for manufacture of all handguns. Prohibits any handgun not meeting this standard after 12/31/05.

HB 2027

SB 2451

Relating to Students with Disabilities

Requires public contracts to require publishers and manufacturers to provide instructional material in electronic format if the material is made available to any other state or upon receipt of a written request from the department of education or UH.

HB 2034


Relating to Taxation

Provides that the excise tax on cigarettes shall be imposed and collected through the use of stamps purchased by licensees, and affixed to cigarette packages. Includes provisions for civil and criminal penalties, and for forfeitures of cigarettes, to be enforced by the police departments, liquor commissions, the attorney general, and prosecuting attorneys. Requires the Director of Taxation to submit findings and recommendations to the legislature for the 2006 Session on effectiveness of Act.

HB 2035


Relating to Minors

Prohibits possession of any amount of tobacco by a minor. Requires the court to revoke the minor's driving privileges for violation.

HB 2036

SB 2495

Relating to Education

Requires funding for athletic programs to be considered standard workload increase items when planning and budgeting for new schools. Requires the DOE to study the issue of paying athletic coaches salaries in the same manner as other teachers.

HB 2037

SB 2454

Relating to School Security Attendants

Requires the department of public safety rather than the department of education to carry out the initial and ongoing training of school security attendants after 6/30/00, subject to the availability of funding. Appropriates funds for the training of security attendants for school campuses.

HB 2038

SB 2449

Relating to Education

Requires DOE to implement a 3-year semi-annual monitoring and enforcement program to keep high school restrooms clean and adequately stocked. Requires DOE to report annually to the legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening of the regular sessions of 2001, 2002, and 2003. Repealed 6/30/2003.

HB 2039


Relating to Education

Appropriates funds for more computers in public high schools.

HB 2040

SB 2468

Relating to Education

Establishes a Safety Pilot Program; appropriates funding.

HB 2041

SB 2466

Relating to Computer Access by Minors

Limits children's access to on-line pornography in public schools and public libraries.

HB 2042

SB 2465

Relating to Pornography

Repeals the promoting pornography for minors exemption for public library staff.

HB 2043

SB 2452

Relating to Health Insurance Coverage

Extends health insurance coverage to unmarried dependent children of state and county employee-beneficiaries who are full-time students up to age 24 and to unmarried children regardless of age who are incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity that existed prior reaching the age of 19. Limits dental plan to unmarried children under age 19.

HB 2044

SB 2453

Relating to Tattoos

Requires minors to inform tattoo artists of their minority status and provide parental consent for application of any permanent tattoos. Requires tattoo artists to notify all prospective clients of need for parental consent if client is a minor and to obtain such written parental consent if client is a minor.

HB 2045

SB 2450

Relating to Body Piercing

Requires minors to inform ear and body piercers of their minority status and provide parental consent for any ear or body piercing. Requires ear and body piercers to notify all prospective clients of need for parental consent if client is a minor and to obtain such written parental consent if client is a minor.

HB 2046


Relating to Education

Appropriates funds for a 12-month (year-round) student activities coordination for each public high school.

HB 2047


Relating to Education

Requires DOE to develop a 3-year pilot substance abuse intervention program for students in middle, intermediate, and high school in Hawaii that takes into account the criticisms of the D.A.R.E. program as well as the successes of drug prevention programs in other states.

HB 2048


Relating to Education

Appropriates funds for high school athletic training equipment and supplies.

HB 2049


Relating to Education

Provides for the evaluation of teachers by their students at least once in each semester of each school year. Requires the DOE to consult with the Hawaii State Teachers Association and the Hawaii state student council on matters concerning the evaluation of teachers.

HB 2050


Relating to Education

Appropriates $ for FY 2000-2001 to DOE to fund existing and create new drug abuse prevention and treatment programs in all public high schools in Hawaii.

HB 2051


Relating to the Student CrimeStoppers Programs

Appropriates funds for Student CrimeStoppers program in DOE schools.

HB 2077


Relating to School Safety

Appropriates funds to the DOE to provide: (1) one FTE vice-principal position for every 400 students enrolled at a school; and (2) one FTE school security attendant position for every 400 students enrolled at a school, for schools that qualify for school security attendants.

HB 2107

SB 2456

Making an Appropriation for Blueprint for Change

Makes an unspecified appropriation for the neighborhood place program of the DHS for diversion services and child protective services.

HB 2108

SB 2448

Relating to Autism

Establishes the Hawaii Autism Center for Excellence within the University of Hawaii.

HB 2110


Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Making an Appropriation for the Department of Accounting and General Services

Authorizes $12,000,000 in GO bonds for new and replacement playground equipment in public schools.

HB 2111


Relating to Child Support Enforcement

Amends the laws relating to child support enforcement and administrative process for child support enforcement to allow for the privatization of child support enforcement functions, improve the state case registry and the state directory of new hires, and add new definitions of "income", "employer", and "employee".

HB 2112


Relating to Early Childhood

Provides a means for early childhood screening when a child reaches the age of three.

HB 2113


Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Making an Appropriation for the Department of Accounting and General Services

Authorizes $ million in GO bonds to support computer technology in public schools.

HB 2114


Relating to Children

Creates new penalties for child abuse.

HB 2115

SB 2464

Relating to Limited Liability

Limits liability against injuries sustained in activities organized for after-school activities or by child care organizations that provide youths with recreational activities.

HB 2165


Relating to Professional Counselors

Enacts licensing laws for professional counselors.

HB 2166


Making Appropriations for the Protection of Children and Families

Appropriates funds for various programs and services for the protection of children and families.

HB 2237


Relating to Public Safety

Establishes low security boot camp type facilities to house low-risk inmates such as nonviolent drug offenders.

HB 2264

SB 2462

Relating to Immunizations

Requires immunizing children against hepatitis A to enter all schools. Allows DOH to require immunization for all under certain circumstances. Conditions required immunizations on availability of federal funds. Requires DOH report. Effective 07/01/01. Repealed on 06/30/05.

HB 2274

SB 2442

Relating to Caregivers

Allows caregiver of a child to give medical and educational consent for the child; provided that if a caregiver is not a relative of the child, the consent to medical care is limited to school-related medical care. Subjects caregivers to penalties under part V of chapter 710, HRS, for making a false statement on an affidavit of caregiver consent.

HB 2281

SB 2443

Relating to Child Abuse

Changes the requirement that child abuse or neglect must be reported to the department and/or the police department.

HB 2384

SB 2600

Relating to Parent-Community Networking Center Programs

Appropriates general revenues to provide minimal start-up funds to establish Parent-Community Networking Center programs and to further enhance existing networking centers.

HB 2541


Relating to Community Water Fluoridation

Requires the implementation of fluoride supplementation of public water systems with 1,000 or more service connections.

HB 2694


Relating to Reallocating Tobacco Settlement Fund Moneys to Children’s Programs

Increases the percentage of moneys from the tobacco settlement fund to the Department of Health.

HB 2746


Making an Appropriation for the Peer Education Program

Appropriates $1,145,845 to maintain and expand the services provided by the Department of Health’s peer education program.

HB 2816


Relating to School Violence

Requires students to be suspended for certain class A offenses.

HB 2819


Relating to Transferring Responsibility for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Transfers child and adolescent mental health division from DOH to DOE.

HB 2850


Relating to Firearms

Prohibits the issuance of a firearms permit unless the applicant shows proof that the applicant has obtained a gun lock for every firearm acquired.

HB 2851


Relating to Sexual Assault

Imposes a mandatory term of imprisonment for sexual offenses involving minors.

HB 2894


Relating to Substance Abuse

Establishes a substance abuse policy council within the office of the governor to develop statewide policy regarding education, prevention, and treatment programs. Provides funding sources and mechanisms.

HB 2912


Making an Appropriation for the Children's Health Insurance Program

Makes appropriation for the Children's Health Insurance Program for FY 2000-2001.

HB 3022


Making an Appropriation for Child Care Certification

Appropriate funds to provide mothers on public assistance to receive child care certification.



Requesting the Development and Implementation of a System to Identify and Provide Services and Support for Children of Incarcerated Parents

Requesting the development and implementation of a system to identify and provide services and support for children of incarcerated parents

HCR 10


Requesting Continued Discussion for a Comprehensive Review of Current Child Protection Laws

Requesting continued discussion for a comprehensive review of current child protection laws

HR 8


Requesting Continued Discussion for a Comprehensive Review of Current Child Protection Laws

Requesting continued discussion for a comprehensive review of current child protection laws


SB 2444

Making an Appropriation for Treatment of Victims of Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse

Makes $500,000 appropriation for the treatment of non-CPS intrafamilial child sexual abuse victims.


SB 2445

Relating to the Hawaii Children’s Trust Fund

Requires the Department of Budget and Finance to dedicate unspecified percentages of the amount in the general fund each year for five years to the Hawaii Children’s Trust Fund, to be matched by private contributions on a 50% basis.


SB 2447

Relating to Early Childhood

Improves the affordability, accessibility, and quality of early childhood services.


SB 2457

Relating to Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Moneys

Prohibits supplanting or diminishing of funds from Department of Health budget because of tobacco settlement moneys; allows nonprofit entity to expend principal of funds in tobacco prevention and control trust fund with approval of Director of Health.


SB 2459

Relating to Professional Counselors

Enacts licensing laws for professional counselors.


SB 2460

Relating to Early Childhood

Provides a means for early childhood screening when a child reaches the age of three.


SB 2461

Relating to Education

Proposes amendments to Article X, Section 2 of the Hawaii Constitution to provide that the public high school student member on the Board of Education shall serve as a voting member, excluding personnel matters.


SB 2463

Relating to Minors

Prohibits possession of any amount of tobacco by a minor. Requires the court to revoke the minor’s driving privileges for violation.


SB 2599

Making an Appropriation for Resources for Early Access to Learning

Makes an appropriation of $90,500 for each of four sites in school districts of Honolulu, Central, Kauai and Hawaii for the Rresources for Early Access to Learning program.