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Metro info available in 11 languages

King County Metro Transit just updated the “Riding the Bus” brochure, and it’s now available in 11 different languages. In addition to English, the information is available in: Cambodian/Khmer; Chinese; Korean; Laotian; Russian; Somali; Spanish; Tigrinya; Ukrainian; and Vietnamese.

The brochure includes tips on boarding, fares, timetables, and where to call for assistance on a variety of transit issues. The brochures are now available at all major Metro information centers including the main customer service office at 201 S. Jackson St., Seattle.



Green Festival coming to King County

Discover that “It’s Easy Being Green” at King County’s educational pavilion during the upcoming Seattle Green Festival, April 12-13, at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center in downtown Seattle.

The pavilion is just one of the 300-plus exhibits scheduled for the big event. It will feature special discounts and incentives for green products, plus tips on connecting to the many resources that King County offers.


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Updated:  March 24, 2008

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