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North Base posts Metro’s best safety record

Congratulations to Metro’s North Base employees for posting the best collision-reduction record for 2007.

North Base achieved a 25.5 percent reduction. North Base has won the Base Safety Contest on four previous occasions: 1993, 1995, 1999 and 2002.

The annual transit safety award evaluates any collision - no matter how minor - between buses and fixed objects and other vehicles.

Buses make way for St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Seattle’s annual parade to honor Ireland’s patron will cause a few hours of rerouting for some buses on Saturday, March 15, in downtown Seattle.

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade travels along Fourth Avenue north from Jefferson Street to the Westlake Center. Buses that normally travel on Fourth Avenue could be rerouted from approximately 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The festivities may also affect the electric trolley buses on Pine Street during this time.

Information about the reroutes will be posted later this week on Metro Online.

KCDOT employees shake it up during disaster drill

Staff from all divisions and work groups at the King County Department of Transportation (KCDOT) participated in the regional Sound Shake ’08 earthquake drill last week.

On March 5, KCDOT employees held drills and training sessions at all of the department’s worksites. KCDOT was also well represented at the large-scale drill at the Regional Communications and Emergency Coordination Center in Renton. Participants at that drill worked through a scenario that involved responding to a large earthquake centered on the Eastside, with significant damage to the urban Seattle area.

The exercise involved serious impacts to the region's transportation and communications systems. As the scenario played out, staff developed plans to deal with extended power outages, utility disruptions, and impacts to the health care system.


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Updated:  March 10, 2008

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