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Transit ridership up nationwide

Metro riders at the Bellevue Transit Center.

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) announced this week that people took 2.6 billion trips on public transportation in the United States during the first three months of 2008. It is almost 85 million more trips than the same time period last year.

King County Metro Transit was right up there at the top of the pack for large bus agencies, with a 6.2 percent increase in bus ridership for the first quarter and an additional 3.8 percent increase on electric trolley buses (APTA counts these two transit modes separately).

Nationally, in the first quarter of 2008, public transportation use continued to climb and rose by 3.3 percent over 2007 levels. In contrast, the Federal Highway Administration has reported that the vehicle miles traveled on our nation’s roads declined by 2.3 percent in the first quarter.

TRAFFIC WATCH: Afternoon baseball on Wednesday

The Seattle Mariners host the Angels for an early afternoon game this Wednesday, June 4 at 1:40 p.m.

Depending on when the game ends, afternoon commute traffic in the south end of downtown Seattle could be disrupted or congested, which could delay bus travel through the area.

Regular commuters may want to adjust their work schedules to leave town earlier that day, or avoid the area around the stadium. For those going to the game, Metro Transit offers lots of regular service that travels near Safeco Field in the mid-afternoon. After the game is over, avoid the congestion, by taking regular bus service home. There is no special shuttle service either before or after the day games.

Check Metro Online for more information, or call (206) 553-3000 (voice) or (206) 684-1739 (TTY).


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Updated:  June 02, 2008

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