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Teaming up to tame traffic

Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Traffic Engineering staff from the King County Road Services Division worked with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the cities of Tukwila and Renton to tame holiday traffic in the busy Tukwila and Renton shopping areas.

The engineers from the different jurisdictions teamed up on a holiday traffic signal timing plan for the Trans Valley corridor, which runs between 116th Avenue Southeast and Southcenter Parkway. This corridor is a major route between residential and shopping areas during the holiday season. The goal of the holiday plan is to improve traffic movement for both shoppers and commuters who work in this busy corridor.

The county, cities, and WSDOT were pleased with the initial results, and will keep the alternative signal timing in effect on weekends throughout the holiday season.

County’s green practices find international audience

King County Metro Transit General Manager Kevin Desmond was a featured speaker last week at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali.

Desmond’s presentation – titled “Public Transportation's Role in a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy” – was given on the behalf of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).

Desmond spoke about: the value of public transit in developing a climate-change strategy; new data on how transit use reduces overall fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; and how transit use can shift a nation’s dependence on foreign oil imports. King County Metro Transit is one of the “greenest” transit agencies in the United States.


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Updated:  December 11, 2007

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