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Kevin Desmond speaks at Redmond Transit Center

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Metro General Manager Kevin Desmond Says:

As ridership grows we need to make adjustments to accommodate our new customers, and we're making changes throughout the county going forward this year. Several of these changes will start in the next week with our service change.

For example at the Bellevue Transit Center, we're revising boarding locations to make it easier for customers to ride buses to common destinations and transfer between routes.

In the rapidly growing South Lake Union area in Seattle we're increasing afternoon commute trips on two very busy routes. There are going to be more trips from Northgate, Kirkland, Issaquah Highlands, in the Interbay neighborhoods into downtown Seattle and more trips leaving the city in the afternoon to Maple Valley and West Seattle.

So we're really starting to get our Transit Now program up and moving.

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Updated:  February 06, 2008

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