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News from King County Department of Transportation
Release date: 
Aug. 11, 2008


Metro’s ‘Driver of the Year’ doubles up

Tie vote for King County Metro Transit’s top award

Take 59 years of service, including 50 years of accident-free driving, add dozens of commendations from customers – then divide by two to get King County Metro Transit’s Operator(s) of the Year.

In a rare tie vote, Metro drivers have selected two of their peers as the “best of the best” for 2007. Richard Boehmer of Bellevue Base and Nate Chappelle of Atlantic Base were honored today in a surprise ceremony.

“Richard and Nate are great examples of transit employees who not only deliver excellent service, but also go the extra mile to assist customers and their co-workers,” said Metro Operations Manager Jim O’Rourke. “And with Richard and Nate, everything is done with a smile and a kind word.”

Boehmer, 63, is a resident of Mercer Island, and has been driving for Metro since 1979. His wife says he hired on at Metro “just to have some money while looking for a real job.” But, he quickly took to bus driving and has always enjoyed interacting with customers. He currently drives Route 222 serving Bellevue.

“Richard’s motto is to always provide the best service possible, be helpful and courteous to all of his customers, and to be a role model for other operators,” said Bellevue Base Supervisor Jeff Wamsley. “Richard is very modest about his accomplishments, but his sense of humor and friendliness is known and appreciated by all who come in contact with him.”

Chappelle, 61, lives in the Green Lake neighborhood of Seattle. He has worked for Metro since 1978, and currently drives on all of the trolley routes. In 2006, while operating a Route 2, Chappelle noticed a man with a leg on each side of the bridge railing over Interstate 5. Thinking the man was about to jump, Chappelle distracted him, while police approached the jumper from behind and quickly got him to safety. 

“Nate is sought out by other operators because of his innate leadership,” said Atlantic Base Supervisor Bill Burdick. “He leads by example. His experience of 30 years driving trolleys provides guidance to both new and veteran trolley operators that is priceless.”

Both Boehmer and Chappelle are noted as selfless individuals, who put others before themselves.

Boehmer received the “George Turner Award” for the second quarter 2007. This award recognizes operators who best exemplify a positive attitude and keen awareness of the elderly and disabled. While operating from Bellevue Base, Boehmer received a commendation for frequently assisting an elderly passenger in a wheelchair and his attendant with boarding the bus. The attendant commented on Boehmer’s sincere caring attention and his gentleness in providing service. The attendant said, “He made the whole process very easy.”

Chappelle has received similar compliments from his passengers, and is noted for his extra efforts behind the scenes at Metro. He has served as the Chief Shop Steward for Atlantic Base for the past ten years, and is currently chair of the Atlantic Base Security Committee.  He also worked on the Public Safety Partnership and other special transit projects.

Metro employs more than 2,600 bus operators who do all they can to help passengers reach their destinations safely and on time. Since 1978, the drivers themselves have selected the best of their peers to hold the title of Metro Transit’s Operator of the Year.

The annual award honors operators who demonstrate safe driving skills, exceptional customer service, and an outstanding overall work record. In order to receive the award, a driver must be chosen as Operator of the Month from one of the seven transit bases. At the end of the year, the Operator of the Year is selected by a vote of all fellow Operators of the Month.


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Updated:  August 11, 2008

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