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News from King County Department of Transportation
Release date: 
March 25, 2008


Islanders selected for Dockton Road advisory group

The King County Roads Services Division has selected 14 Vashon-Maury Island residents to help advise the county on the Dockton Road Preservation Project.

The Community Advisory Group (CAG) will help advise county staff members about community impacts of the project along the Tramp Harbor waterfront. The seawall supporting Dockton Road in this location has deteriorated to the point where regular, small-scale maintenance repairs are no longer effective. Failure of any portion of the seawall would result in closure of the adjacent roadway.

The first meeting of the CAG will be held on Thursday, April 10 at 7 p.m. at the Vashon Community Service Center, Courthouse Square, 19021 Vashon Hwy. SW. The public is welcome to attend and observe the proceedings.

The members of the CAG are: Kyle Cruver; Jim Distelhorst; Robert Fetterley; Kathy Flynn; Dick Franklin; James Hauser; John Hopkins; Nancy Kappelman; Pat Ritzhaupt; Michael Ryan; Harold Seaburg; Murray Speirs; Jennifer Wade; and Frank Zellerhoff.

The Roads Services Division advertised for CAG applications in late January and February. Thirty-three applications were submitted. Barbara de Michele, community relations planner for the King County Department of Transportation, said the selected members provide the group with balanced representation based on geography and community involvement. Consideration was also given to residents living on, or close to, the proposed project area.

In addition to the CAG activities, as the project progresses the county will also conduct an extensive public outreach effort that will include a technical/professional stakeholders group, public meetings, mailings, and online information.

Planning for the Dockton Road Preservation Project is in the early stages. Many different approaches and solutions will be considered during the time that King County is studying and evaluating impacts of the project on the environment, community, and county resources.


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Updated:  March 25, 2008

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