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News from King County Department of Transportation
Release date: 
March 10, 2008

Metro and Senior Services expand Hyde Shuttle
Service targeted to seniors, people with disabilities in south and east Seattle

Transportation services are expanding for seniors and people with disabilities in a broader area of low and middle-income Seattle neighborhoods thanks to King County, Senior Services, and the legacy of one woman who wanted to make a difference for her neighbors.

In 2003, King County Metro Transit and Senior Services began the Hyde Shuttle for people living in Beacon Hill and Southeast Seattle. Originally a single-van service, it was partially funded with a bequest from the estate of Lillian Hyde – a longtime local resident who wanted to give back to Metro's accessible services program.

The shuttle provides free door-to-door service within the specific service area. Most of the current Hyde Shuttle passengers use the service to travel to medical appointments, shopping, and activities at local senior and community centers.

Starting March 17, the Hyde Shuttle will be expanded to three vans and extended to all Seattle neighborhoods east of Interstate 5 and south of State Route 520.

"We want to build on Lillian Hyde's legacy by removing transportation barriers for seniors and people with disabilities living in these communities," said King County Executive Ron Sims. "The shuttle service will help them live healthier and fuller lives by increasing their access to the services and opportunities that keep them physically and mentally active."

The Hyde Shuttle is a part of King County’s Community Access Transportation (CAT) Program, which forms partnerships with agencies to serve seniors and people with disabilities. Metro provides vehicles and operating funds to assist the community agencies in setting up their own transportation program.

King County established the Community Access Transportation Program to provide services beyond the accessible regular bus service and paratransit service required by the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). It is intended to provide service that is more flexible and responsive to unique transportation needs. Currently, there are about 55 CAT vans in operation.

Funding for the expansion of the Hyde Shuttle is coming from grants provided by Senior Services and Metro’s Transit Now expansion plan approved by voters in 2006. By the end of 2008, Metro hopes to have a fourth van operating on the shuttle.

Anyone interested in using the Hyde Shuttle should call (206) 727-6262 for information. All trips are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, and can be booked up to 30 days in advance. All the vans are lift equipped to accommodate wheelchairs, scooters and other mobility aids. The shuttle operates Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


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Updated:  March 11, 2008

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