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Technical Guidance

  • EFH/ESA Guidance: This document offers guidance for integrating Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act EFH Consultations with Endangered Species Act., section 7 consultations. January 2001.
  • Preparing EFH Assessments : The EFH assessment guidance document is intended to assist Federal agencies in developing EFH Assessments. The guide contains EFH definitions, responses to frequently asked questions concerning preparation of EFH Assessments, and gives three examples of completed EFH Assessments. Version 1, February 2004.
  • EFH Consultation Guidance: This document was developed to provide additional guidance on the procedures that have been developed to assist NOAA Fisheries and other Federal agencies in addressing the EFH coordination and consultation requirements established by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the EFH regulatory guidelines. Version 1.1, April 2004.
  • EFH Consultation Flowchart (from EFH Consultation Guidance PDF above)
  • EFH Consultation Agreements - between NOAA Fisheries and other federal agencies, including other offices within NOAA Fisheries (from EFH Consultation Guidance PDF above).
  • Consulting on Fishery Management Plans: Assessment of Impacts of Fishery Management Actions on Essential Fish Habitat

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