Hurricanes: USCIS Customers Should be Prepared


Hurricanes are severe tropical storms that form in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Scientists can predict hurricanes, but people who live in coastal communities should plan what they will do if they are told to evacuate.

USCIS prepares for hurricanes and tropical storms by temporarily closing offices, if necessary, in the projected path of any storm. If an office is closed, or our customers are evacuated from their homes, USCIS will automatically reschedule all appointments until a time when it is safe to resume operations.

However, if necessary, customers may make an InfoPass appointment in another USCIS office.

The safety of our customers and employees is first and foremost. Customers are advised to take all necessary actions to protect themselves and their families.

The Department of Homeland Security's Ready Campaign reminds Gulf Coast region residents about the importance of taking precautionary measures to prepare for an emergency situation or evacuation before Gustav reaches shore.

For questions about USCIS' preparations and possible responses to Tropical Storms or Hurricanes, continue to check our website or call the National Customer Service Center at 1-888-375-5283.



Last updated: 09/08/2008