Female Parity In Corrections

Establishes a task force to develop a plan to increase the
availability of gender appropriate programming in the criminal
justice system.  (CD1)

THE SENATE                              S.B. NO.           S.D. 2
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 2000                                H.D. 2
STATE OF HAWAII                                            C.D. 1

                     A BILL FOR AN ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that there are
 2 approximately eighty-four thousand women throughout America's
 3 jails and prisons.  Women account for six per cent of the
 4 population behind bars.  The legislature further finds that
 5 although the number of incarcerated women has always been
 6 significantly lower when compared to that of incarcerated men,
 7 women are being jailed at a much faster rate.  Between 1980 and
 8 1998, the incarceration rate for women jumped five hundred
 9 sixteen per cent.
10      The legislature recognizes that Hawaii's incarceration rate
11 has mirrored this national trend.  In 1972, Hawaii had only one
12 woman in prison.  By 1992, Hawaii had one hundred sixty-four
13 female inmates.  As of January 3, 2000, there were approximately
14 three hundred ninety-eight women housed in Hawaii's correctional
15 facilities, with an additional eighty-three women housed at the
16 Oklahoma correctional facility.

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 1      Although the rate of incarcerated females has increased
 2 dramatically, the range and quality of programming offered to
 3 female adult and juvenile offenders has not.  Currently male
 4 inmates housed have more community placement options, more
 5 transitional housing programs, and more job lines and training
 6 opportunities.
 7      The legislature believes that due to the unique needs of
 8 female offenders, more gender-responsive services and programs
 9 are necessary.  Therefore, the purpose of this Act is to
10 establish a task force to develop a plan to increase the
11 availability of gender appropriate programming in the criminal
12 justice system.
13      SECTION 2.  There is established the task force on parity
14 for female offenders which shall be administratively attached to
15 the department of public safety.  The task force shall review all
16 programs currently offered to female adult and juvenile offenders
17 in the custody of the department of public safety, identify
18 inadequacies with the current system, and develop a plan to
19 increase interagency cooperation to address the needs unique to
20 female offenders.  The task force shall consist of no more than
21 twenty members, who shall serve without compensation, and shall
22 include:
23      (1)  The director of public safety or a designated
24           representative;
25      (2)  The executive director of the office of youth services
26           or a designated representative;
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 1      (3)  Three female ex-offenders to be appointed by the
 2           director of public safety; and
 3      (4)  Members from the criminal justice community, community
 4           agencies experienced with the female offender and ex-
 5           offender populations and their needs, and the business
 6           community to be appointed by the director of public
 7           safety.
 8 The director of public safety shall serve as chairperson of the
 9 task force.  The task force shall submit a report of its findings
10 and recommendations to the legislature no later than twenty days
11 prior to the convening of the 2001 regular session.
12      SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2000.