
Establishes the Hawaii state student council, with student
representatives from each departmental school district.
Requires the council to conduct an annual conference of
secondary school students.  Requires the council to determine
whether to select the student member of the BOE or to run an
election.  (HB284 CD1)

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                H.B. NO.           H.D. 1
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 1999                                S.D. 1
STATE OF HAWAII                                            C.D. 1

                   A  BILL  FOR  AN  ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that the Hawaii state
 2 student council has been functioning for many years.  However,
 3 although the council is mentioned in the state constitution, it
 4 has never been formally established in statute.  In establishing
 5 the council statutorily, this Act continues the operations of the
 6 existing council and requires it to:
 7      (1)  Determine its composition and governance policies;
 8      (2)  Select or run an election for the student member of the
 9           board of education; and
10      (3)  Conduct an annual conference of secondary students.
11      SECTION 2.  Chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
12 amended by adding a new section to part II to be appropriately
13 designated and to read as follows:
14      "�2A-    Hawaii state student council.  (a)  There is
15 established within the department for administrative purposes the
16 Hawaii state student council, which shall consist of
17 representation from each departmental school district.
18      (b)  The council shall conduct an annual conference  of
19 secondary school students pursuant to section 302A-     .

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 1      (c)  The council shall determine whether it shall directly
 2 select the student member of the board or whether it shall run an
 3 election to select that individual.
 4      (d)  The council shall establish policies and procedures
 5 governing its operations, including the selection and number of
 6 council members, without regard to the public notice, public
 7 hearing, and gubernatorial approval requirements of chapter 91,
 8 but subject to the open meeting requirements of chapter 92.
 9      (e)  The department shall assign a staff member to assist
10 the council, to be known as staff adviser to the Hawaii state
11 student council.
12      �2A-    Annual student conference.  (a)  The Hawaii state
13 student council shall provide for an annual conference of
14 secondary school students, or those students in grades seven to
15 twelve, to enable them to identify, discuss, and arrive at
16 recommended solutions to major youth problems, with emphasis on
17 school problems that require the attention of and joint action by
18 the students, the department, the board, and the legislature.
19 Alternately, the conference topic may be the governance of the
20 council itself.
21      (b)  The theme, scope, and format of the annual student
22 conference shall be determined by the Hawaii state student
23 council.

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 1      (c)  The annual student conference shall be held once each
 2 school year and shall not exceed three consecutive days.
 3 Whenever possible, the annual student conference shall be held
 4 within sixty days of the convening of a regular session of the
 5 legislature.
 6      (d)  The Hawaii state student council may also invite
 7 students from schools represented by the Hawaii Association of
 8 Independent Schools to participate in the planning of or to
 9 attend the conference.
10      (e)  The department shall assign a staff member to assist
11 the conference committee, including assistance in the planning
12 and implementation of the conference and the drafting of the
13 evaluation report, to be known as staff adviser to the conference
14 committee."
15      SECTION 3.  Chapter 317, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is
16 repealed.
17      SECTION 4.  New statutory material is underscored.
18      SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2000.