Current BERAC Charges

BERAC to assemble a Committee of Visitors to assess the process used by the Life and Medical Sciences Division (LMSD) to manage the LMSD-supported research programs, dated January 23, 2008

BERAC is charged with organizing and conducting a workshop of leading climate change experts to identify outstanding scientific grand challenges in climate change research with regard to (1) understanding past and present climate, (2) projecting future regional to global scale climate in response to natural and human-induced forcing, (3) understanding and predicting the sensitivity and adaptability of ecosystems to climate change, and (4) the development of Earth systems models, dated October 1, 2007

BERAC to assemble Joint Panel with ASCAC to examine the issue of computational models for the GTL program and how progress could be accelerated through targeted investments in applied mathematics, computer science, and computation biology, dated February 23, 2007

Updated July 2, 2008/jc