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Blue Angels roar through again . . . inspiring young minds along the way

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<<Sounds of Blue Angels flying>>

Narrator Says:

They’re an American institution.

<<Sounds of Blue Angels flying>>

Narrator Says:

They’re also a staple at Seafair and bring hundreds of fans out to the hydro races and King County International Airport to watch their show.

The Blue Angels have been dazzling crowds for 62 years, and the show never seems to get old for fans who flock to Lake Washington every summer to watch the six fighter jets perform remarkable stunts.

But it’s not just the on-lookers, who get something out of the show.

Major Clint Harris joined the Blue Angels in September of 2006, and has accumulated more than 1,500 tactical flight hours.

He says the Seattle stop is a treat for him and his fellow Blue Angels.

Blue Angels Pilot Clint Harris Says:

Well first of all it's a beautiful venue to do an air show. The skyscrapers of the city as well as the lake, absolutely exquisite scenery, but most importantly what stands out in my mind when we're coming here is the hospitality of the people of Seattle. And to be able to come to places like this, opportunity skyway and influence children.

Narrator Says:

While the pilots no doubt relish the opportunity to entertain so many people while at work, their impact goes beyond aerial entertainment.

Every year a member of the team takes time the Friday before Seafair to talk to students who participate in ‘Opportunity Skyway’, an educational program with a hands-on aviation focus.

The students say they appreciate the opportunity to hear from a member of the prestigious team.

Opportunity Skyway Participant Geovanny Salinas Says:

It was a good experience. Normally I probably wouldn't have that. If I was just going to high school and stuff. But this program really made it open to it. So, it was pretty nice.

Opportunity Skyway Participant Malcolm Gouslby Says:

It was great; I always did want to know how they did all the maneuvers, and the back flips and the diamonds, and how they got there. it was real nice, it was a nice experience.

Narrator Says:

Major Harris says he also get s a lot out of the opportunity to inspire young minds whether they’re planning on an aviation-oriented career or not.

Blue Angels Pilot Clint Harris Says:

It's the most fulfilling part of my job. Like I said, they can teach anybody, or almost anybody to do that flying, any naval aviator. But, it's really an honor to be able to come here and influence children in a positive manner.

Narrator Says:

The Blue Angels visit 38 cities every year over the 9-month span of their season.

After Seattle the team stops in Chicago, Cleveland and San Francisco before the season comes to a close in them middle of November.

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Updated:  August 13, 2008

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