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Metro Transit

Photo: MTP heroes.'The best of the best of the best' Every year, King County Metro Transit honors its Operator of the Year, and this year it's two for the price of one. When the 84 fellow Operators of the Month got together to vote for Operator of the year, they came up with an exact tie in voting, so Nate Chappelle and Richard Boehmer both took the award home.

Watch this video clip (Windows Media) Length: 3:38
Watch this video clip (Real Media) Length: 3:38

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Road Services

Photo: Contractor swaps light bulbs.The birth of a bridge They say all good things must come to an end. The Tolt Bridge has provided access over the Snoqualmie River to surrounding residents for almost 86 years. It is now unable to handle modern truck loads, and has no room for pedestrian and bike traffic. King County has replaced the obsolete structure with a modern, spacious, and environmentally-friendly new structure.

Watch this video clip (Windows Media) Length: 5:09
Watch this video clip (Real Media) Length: 5:09
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King County International Airport

Photo: KCIA cargo.80 years of aviation history Without Boeing Field, it's safe to say Seattle and King County would be much different places. As it so happens, Bill Boeing, Jr. was on hand for the airport's birth and 80th birthday. Today, the airport is alive and thriving supporting about 10,000 jobs, housing 150 businesses, and hosting 500 based aircraft.

Watch this video clip (Windows Media) Length: 6:16
Watch this video clip (Real Media) Length: 6:16
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Fleet Services

Photo: Clean vehicles.All the brawn, 2/3 the fuel The King County Road Services Division monitors and repairs about 2,300 traffic signals in unincorporated parts of the county and contract cities. It does so using a hybrid utility trucks that saves 30-40 percent on diesel and therefore the greenhouse gas produced by that fuel. It just received a second hybrid flat-bed tow truck, and will receive a second aerial man-lift truck in 2009.

Watch this video clip (Windows Media) Length: 3:22
Watch this video clip (Real Media) Length: 3:22
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Updated:  August 14, 2008

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