Western Federal Lands Highway Division The edge of a forest along the horizon
About WFLHD Projects Procurement Design Resources A highway stretching off into the distance

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Procurement Sections

This section provides information on upcoming construction work, preliminary plans, advertised projects, opened bids, proposals received, and awarded contracts. Complete bid tabulations are also provided for all awarded contracts.
Go to the Construction Procurement Home Page

This section provides consultants with information on the estimated times Western Federal Lands Highway Division (WFLHD) will begin soliciting for renewal of our Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for A/E services.
Go to the AE Procurement Home Page

This section provides vendors with a listing of currently posted synopses and/or solicitations for Request for Quotes on Commercial Items or Services above the $25,000 threshold using Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP). It also provides public notices for procurements between $10,000 - $25,000 and awarded SAP contract information.
Go to the Simplified Acquisition Home Page

Procurement Contact Information
Phone: (360) 619-7520
Fax: (360) 619-7932
Email: contracts@mail.wfl.fhwa.dot.gov
This section provides information on services related requirements being solicited and currently on contract.
Go to the Service Contracts Page

This section provides industry access to any Requests for Information / Sources Sought requests from Western Federal Lands.
Go to the Sources Sought / Request For Information Page

The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Part 5.102 requires Federal agencies to make all solicitations available electronically. Paper copies of our presolicitation and solicitation documents will no longer be available...
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Contractors may receive fraudulent letters purportedly issued by DOT. Most recently a person posing as a DOT Senior Procurement Officer has been asking contractors and prospective contractors for financial information. DO NOT COMPLY WITH THIS REQUEST...
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Please send your questions or comments to webmaster@mail.wfl.fhwa.dot.gov
Last update: May 23, 2007