Great opporunity snags Tech 2020 CEO
Tom Rogers takes new position with ORNL's partnerships

Tom RogersTwelve years after helping launch the region's first major high-tech entrepreneurial incubator and business development center, Technology 2020 CEO Tom Rogers has announced plans to leave the organization and join Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Rogers will serve as director of industrial and economic development partnerships as part of ORNL's newly reorganized partnerships directorate. His new job is effective June 2.

"I just find the laboratory a fascinating place," Rogers said, adding that since UT-Battelle took over management of the laboratory in 2001, Oak Ridge-based Technology 2020 has been closely involved in the entrepreneurial development programs through the Center for Entrepreneurial Growth that Tech 2020 manages under contract with the lab.

Tech 2020 also has been involved in development of the Innovation Valley Nano Alliance targeted at attracting and encouraging start-ups around nanoscience research at ORNL and other programs.
"It just seems to me like a natural transition and a great opportunity for me personally," Rogers said.

Rogers said during his tenure, Tech 2020 has assisted 169 companies with incubation and business development services, loans and a variety of other programs aimed at spurring technology growth in the region. Under his direction, the organization launched the annual Tennessee Valley Venture Forum for technology start-ups throughout the Southeast seeking outside investments, the Nano Alliance and two Centers for Entrepreneurial Growth, one Tech 2020 manages for ORNL and the other for the University of Tennessee.

Tech 2020 also managed the recent Global Venture Challenge, a business competition and venture forum at ORNL.

In recent years the organization has won awards from the Kauffman Foundation, the National Business Incubation Association and the national State Science and Technology Institute.

At ORNL, Rogers will focus on spinning technologies out of the lab via start-ups as well as the more traditional economic development endeavors such as industrial recruitment for research partnerships at the lab and occupation of the new Science and Technology Park now taking shape on ORNL's main campus. In addition, Rogers said he will use his experience to form closer relationships with area economic development groups to make potential industry recruits aware of the research and development capabilities at ORNL.

"We've gotten to know Tom very well and understand his leadership style and the way in which he makes things happen," said Tom Ballard, director of partnerships at ORNL.

Rogers will report to Ballard.

Ballard added that given Tech 2020's close relationship with ORNL, "in almost every strategic (economic development) activity (at ORNL) Tom's been involved, it's just a natural that he would be a person whose talents we would seek as we continue to expand and grow economic development" at the lab.

Tech 2020 won't be looking to replace Rogers immediately. The organization sent a survey April 18 to board members seeking input on criteria for the new CEO, and Rogers said Tech 2020 will solicit input from all its partners and stakeholders, then form a search committee to begin the selection process.

"Because we're a public/private partnership, we want to make sure all our partners weigh in on the decision," Rogers said. "I think it's important to take our time and get it right."

In the meantime, David Snider, chief financial officer at Tech 2020.



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Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC for the US Department of Energy



Last Modified: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 1:39 PM