Sept. 11, 2008: Save the Date: Sept. 24 Hearing on Sudan's Unraveling Peace and the Challenge to U.S. Policy PDF Print E-mail

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                             

Contact:  Judith Ingram

Communications Director

(202) 3240, ext. 127

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*** SAVE THE DATE *** 
Wednesday, Sept. 24, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2359 

The 2005 Sudanese Comprehensive Peace Agreement brought an end to a 22-year long north-south civil war that killed 2 million people and forced another 4 million to flee their homes. Today that fragile peace is at grave risk of collapsing. The hearing of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom will examine U.S. options for encouraging the full implementation of the peace agreement and averting a return to a bloody north-south civil war fueled in part by religious divisions.  

Both current and former U.S. officials and NGO representatives, as well as Members of Congress, will present testimony.  Confirmed witnesses include:

  • Ambassador Rich Williamson, the President’s Special Envoy to Sudan.  Ambassador Williamson has also served as Ambassador to the United Nations for Special Political Affairs, Ambassador to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights and Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations; and
  • John Prendergast, Co-Chair of the ENOUGH Project to end genocide and crimes against humanity.  Formerly, Mr. Prendergast served as Co-Director of the African Program of the International Crisis Group and Director of African Affairs at the National Security Council and Special Advisor at the Department of State during the Clinton Administration.
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