February 1, 2001: Commission Hearing on Religious-Freedom Violations in Vietnam, Indonesia PDF Print E-mail

February 1, 2001

Lawrence J. Goodrich, Communications Director, (202) 523-3240, ext. 27

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom will hold two hearings on Tuesday, February 13 in Washington, D.C., to examine religious-freedom violations and U.S. policy in Vietnam and Indonesia. The hearings are scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Senate Dirksen Office Building, Room 124.


In Vietnam, the law provides for the extensive regulation of religious organizations by the state. Leaders and members of the banned Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, the Hoa Hao sect of Buddhism, the Cao Dai religion, as well as Protestants and Roman Catholics have been detained without charge, imprisoned, heavily fined, harassed, or subject to house arrest or government surveillance.

In Indonesia, current communal violence in the Moluccan Islands has reportedly claimed the lives of 5,000 to 8,000 Christians and Muslims since January 1999. There is evidence that the Indonesian government has not controlled its armed forces or the influx of armed Muslims from other islands, resulting in murder, forced mass resettlement, forced conversion to Islam (including involuntary circumcision), and torture.

The witnesses and schedule are as follows:

9:00 - 9:15 Welcome and Introductory Remarks by Chairman Elliott Abrams


9:15 - 10:30 Vietnam, Panel I: Situation Analysis



Zachary Abuza, Simmons College

Vo Van Ai, Buddhist Information Bureau

Huynh-Mai Nguyen, Hoa Hao Buddhist Church in the United States

Rev. Paul Ai, Former President, Evangelical Fellowship of Vietnam

Fr. Tadeus Nguyen Van Ly, Committee for Religious Freedom in Vietnam (invited)


10:30 - 10:45 Break


10:45 - 12:00 Vietnam, Panel II: U.S. Policy Options



Virginia Foote, U.S.-Vietnam Trade Council

Catharin Dalpino, Brookings Institution

Larry Wortzel, The Heritage Foundation

Carlyle Thayer, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies


12:00 - 1:15 Break


1:15 - 2:30,Indonesia, Panel I: Situation Analysis


Paul Michael, Taylor Smithsonian Institution
Robert Hefner, Boston University
H.M. Jusuf Ely Yayasan, Jaziratul Muluk (foundation for educational, health, and humanitarian services), Ambon, Indonesia
John Titaley, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia


2:30 - 2:45 Break


2:45 - 4:00 Indonesia, Panel II: U.S. Policy Options



R. William Liddle, Ohio State University

Daniel Lev, University of Washington

Sidney Jones, Human Rights Watch

Paul Gardner, Former U.S. Ambassador to Papua New Guinea

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom was created by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 to monitor the status of freedom of thought, conscience, and religion or belief abroad, as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related international instruments, and to give independent policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State and the Congress.
Hon. Elliott Abrams, Chair 
  •  Dr. Firuz Kazemzadeh, Vice Chair Rabbi David Saperstein  Laila Al-Marayati, M.D.  Hon. John R. Bolton  Dean Michael K. Young  Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick  Nina Shea  Justice Charles Z. Smith  Ambassador Robert Seiple, Ex-Officio  Steven T. McFarland, Executive Director

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