3942 Dolls : Customs Value by Customs Value
For ALL Countries

U.S. Imports For Consumption

Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Dec


Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
China 1,084,353 1,121,068 1,271,487 1,603,528 2,077,240 3,171,739 3,968,869 3,869,661 3,714,818 3,869,661 3,714,818 -4.0%
Indonesia 51,486 94,615 76,999 93,267 87,059 85,482 97,009 84,242 128,395 84,242 128,395 52.4%
Hong Kong 34,395 21,521 26,424 27,376 35,857 60,658 74,655 63,295 56,964 63,295 56,964 -10.0%
Germany 26,326 27,079 33,086 44,701 40,044 42,882 38,904 32,816 24,220 32,816 24,220 -26.2%
Thailand 71,308 73,400 55,748 40,841 30,537 28,520 15,386 15,044 13,367 15,044 13,367 -11.1%
Taiwan 137,957 82,829 49,899 38,476 32,552 25,598 18,889 16,791 12,219 16,791 12,219 -27.2%
Japan 2,117 1,717 1,055 1,412 1,625 2,673 2,925 12,640 11,580 12,640 11,580 -8.4%
Philippines 25,236 27,670 27,030 29,722 24,547 20,679 17,317 15,104 10,486 15,104 10,486 -30.6%
Mexico 10,381 17,835 16,454 17,745 11,009 14,539 12,621 11,393 7,534 11,393 7,534 -33.9%
Korea 97,984 64,461 26,110 15,406 8,821 12,076 11,720 9,279 6,861 9,279 6,861 -26.1%
Sri Lanka 5,975 11,475 15,146 13,164 16,470 11,989 10,890 9,585 5,857 9,585 5,857 -38.9%
Malaysia 89,671 97,797 67,012 79,255 79,761 77,936 57,446 31,875 4,922 31,875 4,922 -84.6%
Spain 4,965 3,082 5,084 3,650 3,020 3,513 3,916 3,392 3,642 3,392 3,642 7.4%
France 3,092 1,202 2,023 2,030 2,083 1,863 2,223 1,556 2,912 1,556 2,912 87.1%
Canada 760 590 583 831 995 1,647 2,199 2,587 2,643 2,587 2,643 2.1%
India 143 467 641 934 1,527 1,726 1,767 2,126 2,300 2,126 2,300 8.2%
Denmark 430 355 439 358 227 1,598 565 1,234 2,018 1,234 2,018 63.5%
United Kingdom 1,090 1,334 1,389 2,138 2,165 2,939 2,485 2,158 1,701 2,158 1,701 -21.2%
Russia 333 553 553 686 724 563 709 587 1,188 587 1,188 102.5%
Italy 1,579 726 1,213 860 840 1,743 1,057 751 972 751 972 29.4%
Switzerland 1,204 1,637 1,559 904 1,317 1,944 3,407 2,251 854 2,251 854 -62.1%
Australia 196 217 120 104 184 55 158 129 729 129 729 467.0%
Argentina 21 9 5 2 56 147 300 276 691 276 691 150.3%
Colombia 45 41 158 34 5 389 484 662 503 662 503 -24.0%
Czech Republic 0 136 89 108 78 186 391 465 391 465 391 -15.8%
Subtotal : 1,651,047 1,651,818 1,680,306 2,017,529 2,458,742 3,573,085 4,346,291 4,189,901 4,017,768 4,189,901 4,017,768 -4.1%
All Other: 9,868 34,921 30,883 16,016 5,247 5,347 5,244 3,850 3,740 3,850 3,740 -2.9%
Total 1,660,916 1,686,739 1,711,190 2,033,545 2,463,989 3,578,432 4,351,535 4,193,751 4,021,508 4,193,751 4,021,508 -4.1%


Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.