Top 25 Import Sources for Total Furniture

SIC 25    Customs Value     U.S. Imports For Consumption    Annual Data

Country 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1999 YTD 2000 YTD Percent Change
YTD1999 - YTD2000
In 1,000 Dollars
China 208,461 328,941 529,598 728,994 945,749 1,384,494 2,000,998 2,989,487 4,043,727 2,989,487 4,043,727 35.3%
Canada 737,980 949,443 1,205,979 1,495,828 1,843,523 2,305,394 2,806,207 3,248,003 3,776,217 3,248,003 3,776,217 16.3%
Italy 422,666 423,094 550,936 625,742 666,715 755,304 877,505 1,052,918 1,284,038 1,052,918 1,284,038 22.0%
Taiwan 1,197,586 1,210,395 1,173,025 1,040,750 960,031 917,297 958,392 999,502 1,021,972 999,502 1,021,972 2.2%
Mexico 309,837 338,735 362,074 405,794 557,155 697,386 801,391 947,735 1,002,940 947,735 1,002,940 5.8%
Indonesia 90,998 143,095 186,220 229,024 236,044 279,107 344,964 432,910 490,741 432,910 490,741 13.4%
Malaysia 105,070 193,818 301,090 324,879 394,230 412,147 403,962 465,711 487,075 465,711 487,075 4.6%
Thailand 123,211 173,414 174,825 164,626 161,908 166,995 199,487 250,982 291,005 250,982 291,005 15.9%
Philippines 95,306 111,816 138,017 165,690 168,208 195,857 225,631 252,658 285,655 252,658 285,655 13.1%
United Kingdom 61,343 63,214 84,289 96,781 116,069 144,465 189,426 213,625 192,510 213,625 192,510 -9.9%
Denmark 108,409 99,253 122,809 120,897 113,108 120,110 144,791 163,034 177,396 163,034 177,396 8.8%
Germany 114,524 107,153 83,769 96,581 81,981 96,063 94,060 123,182 150,278 123,182 150,278 22.0%
France 50,539 47,028 47,339 52,406 55,313 68,447 86,843 113,876 134,225 113,876 134,225 17.9%
Brazil 33,445 37,307 55,071 75,383 59,208 63,745 65,458 89,928 114,251 89,928 114,251 27.0%
Argentina 5,701 3,971 4,962 6,168 24,266 55,132 50,098 70,816 81,059 70,816 81,059 14.5%
Sweden 45,494 34,163 38,137 47,530 47,793 52,856 59,859 71,548 81,041 71,548 81,041 13.3%
Hong Kong 27,443 24,930 25,798 29,530 37,487 49,921 67,342 71,603 80,633 71,603 80,633 12.6%
Korea 36,179 35,807 39,610 40,283 36,967 36,325 50,794 62,019 70,065 62,019 70,065 13.0%
Spain 24,775 17,565 21,354 27,297 32,366 32,670 46,728 57,114 69,385 57,114 69,385 21.5%
Poland 8,620 9,430 11,548 12,380 16,708 21,308 26,692 30,426 66,290 30,426 66,290 117.9%
Israel 6,594 16,016 26,307 36,884 36,934 41,179 38,356 58,895 62,601 58,895 62,601 6.3%
Chile 14,731 19,275 22,338 26,591 26,932 36,486 39,922 45,832 52,873 45,832 52,873 15.4%
Slovenia 26,938 51,158 48,108 41,418 42,625 43,111 49,770 53,892 51,459 53,892 51,459 -4.5%
Norway 18,447 17,440 20,873 21,725 26,590 33,965 36,272 36,248 42,317 36,248 42,317 16.7%
Honduras 12,344 17,968 20,876 22,364 25,305 32,054 37,227 42,477 39,956 42,477 39,956 -5.9%
Subtotal : 3,886,642 4,474,427 5,294,953 5,935,546 6,713,217 8,041,818 9,702,176 11,944,419 14,149,710 11,944,419 14,149,710 18.5%
All Other: 209,402 187,153 203,291 225,076 252,377 268,018 297,918 327,137 416,950 327,137 416,950 27.5%
Total 4,096,044 4,661,580 5,498,244 6,160,622 6,965,594 8,309,835 10,000,094 12,271,556 14,566,660 12,271,556 14,566,660 18.7%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. International Trade Commission.
Last Updated by JF on 3-19-01