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E-Government Awards

Trailblazer Award   Trailblazer Award was chosen for this award on the basis of its Health and Human Services section, which helps citizens find out what services are available and directs them to a local provider. Over 300 nominations were submitted to the Government Solutions Center for its E-Gov 2001 Pioneer Awards, which recognize the innovative use of information technology to provide government services online. Only 22 nominees were selected for the honorable-mention Trailblazer award.

Health and Human Services Group

Many state agencies worked together on the Health and Human Services section, including the departments of Health and Family Services; Workforce Development; Public Instruction; Administration; Veterans Affairs; and Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection; and the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.

Web Design Awards

IAWMD Golden Web Award Logo   Golden Web Award
This prestigious award was bestowed upon by the International Association of Web Masters & Designers (IAWMD) for Web design, originality, and content that achieve levels of excellence deserving of recognition. The IAWMD represents Web masters, designers, and other Internet professionals from 130 countries around the world. Sponsors and affiliates of the organization include GE, Microsoft, Amoco, Hertz, K-Mart, FTD, and many other well-known companies.
Medaille d'Or Award Logo   Medaille d'Or
The Medaille d'Or for Web Site Excellence, originating in the United Kingdom, is awarded to new Web sites that are considered gold-medal quality based on design, appearance, navigation, ease of use, and content. Recognizing that the state portal is "an excellent cutting edge site showing the way on public service delivery," the award notes that " was designed to improve the overall efficiency of state government, particularly in service areas where several agencies provide similar services." An example of this efficiency is the Licensing and Permitting section, which provides citizens with information on more than 500 licenses, permits, certifications, and registrations, with links to download forms from most of the 15 licensing and permitting agencies. The online service is a collaborative effort of the agencies involved.
Webmaster Award Logo   Webmaster Award
The judges for this award found to be in the top two percent of all the Web sites they review, which number in the thousands every month. The state's portal site was noted for its unique and interesting content as well as its exceptional graphics. The Webmaster Awards, sponsored by Digital Business Concepts, were begun in 1996 to recognize the talents and efforts of Web masters.

Featured Site Awards

GLIN Site of the Month   GLIN Site of the Month was selected by the Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN) to be its featured Site of the Month for the month of March 2001. GLIN, a Great Lakes Commission project, was launched in 1993 to serve as an Internet gateway for the Great Lakes region, offering online connections to information about the economy, environment, tourism, education, history, and much more. The award declared, "...your newly redesigned site is one of the best state web sites on the Internet." Other Web sites featured by GLIN include the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the State of Illinois. Award Logo is featured on, an information portal designed to simplify the search for the best government resources online. The award states, "Our editorial team has scoured the Web for the very best state government resources and found yours to be top-notch." The state portal's home page and other pages can be reached from permanent links on the Web site.
Political Site of the Day Logo   Political Site of the Day was designated the Political Site of the Day for June 29, 2001. This site, which has been spotlighting the best political sites on the Internet since 1997, is maintained by Kessler Freedman Inc., a Pennsylvania-based Internet development corporation that has been developing Web sites since 1993 for industry and government. The award congratulated for making the Web a more informative and interesting place to visit.
