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Vaccine Cases (UNPUBLISHED)

Deciding Official

Date FiledDeciding OfficialCase NameKeywords: Click here to download opinion
04/15/2008Special Master GolkiewiczANNETTE RZEWUSKI, Parent of ADRIAN RZEWUSKI, a Minor v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (07-0433V)Petitioner’s Motion for a Decision Dismissing Petition; Insufficient Proof of Causation; Vaccine Act Entitlement Denial Without Hearing
04/15/2008Special Master GolkiewiczLANCE AND MICHELLE MORETTO, legal representatives of ... v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (07-571V)Autism; Statute of Limitations; Untimely Filing; Motion to Dismiss
04/15/2008Special Master GolkiewiczANNETTE RZEWUSKI, Parent of ADRIAN RZEWUSKI, a Minor v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (07-0433V)Petitioner’s Motion for a Decision Dismissing Petition; Insufficient Proof of Causation; Vaccine Act Entitlement Denial Without Hearing
04/15/2008Special Master GolkiewiczLANCE AND MICHELLE MORETTO, legal representatives of ... v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (07-571V)Autism; Statute of Limitations; Untimely Filing; Motion to Dismiss
04/14/2008Special Master MillmanLORA WRIGHT, by her Next Friend, LARRY WRIGHT; LARRY..., v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (06-906V)Damages decision based on stipulation; ADEM and optic neuritis following MMR vaccination, DTaP vaccination, and IPV vaccination; attorney’s fees and costs
04/11/2008Special Master GolkiewiczSUSAN CLARK v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (05-419V)Hepatitis B Vaccination; rheumatoid arthritis; Stipulation
04/11/2008Special Master MillmanREGINA PECORELLA, v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (04-1781V)Hepatitis B vaccination followed two months later by TM; ultimately diagnosed as MS
04/11/2008Special Master GolkiewiczMARLO C. THOMAS v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (05-1151V)Stipulation; brachial neuritis, tetanus vaccine
04/10/2008Special Master MillmanCHING TAM, v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (07-752V)Damages decision based on stipulation; Guillain-Barré syndrome following hepatitis A, hepatitis B,IPV, Meningococcal, MMR, and/or Td vaccinations; Attorney’s fees and costs
04/08/2008Special Master MillmanPAUL SHIRLEY, v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (01-537V)Entitlement; hepatitis B vaccine followed seven weeks later by CIDP
04/07/2008Special Master EdwardsANTHONY NEVELS v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (07-0019V)Influenza Vaccine; Stipulation
04/07/2008Special Master MoranCAROLYN HOLLIDAY, v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (07-459V)Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, No Objection from Respondent, Expert Used In More Than One Case
04/04/2008Special Master EdwardsSHELLY REVIS, as mother and natural guardian of her daughter, THAIRA REVIS, v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES,(07-0487V)Attorneys’ Fees; Attorneys’ Costs
04/04/2008Special Master GolkiewiczTONYA DIXON, Parent of JARVIS WHEATON v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (07-0610V)Autism; Statute of Limitations; Untimely Filing
04/04/2008Special Master MoranLOUIS TOSCHES, III, a minor, by and through his parent and natural... v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (06-192V)Attorneys’fees; Amount to Which Respondent Has Not Objected
04/02/2008Special Master MillmanSHARON LANG, v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (02-968V)Attorneys’ Fees and Costs;TM following hepatitis B vaccination
04/02/2008Special Master GolkiewiczROBERT F. PAGE, and BARBARA A. PAGE, as Parents and Natural Guardians . . . v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (01-277V)Proofer on Award of Compensation
04/02/2008Special Master GolkiewiczMATT & KATE DORN, Parents of ETHAN DORN, a Minor v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (07-0640V)Autism; Statute of Limitations; Untimely Filing; Motion to Dismiss
03/31/2008Special Master EdwardsCLAIR SWAISS, v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (06-0638V)Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine;Stipulation
03/31/2008Special Master MillmanBRIAN BENGTSON, v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (05-394V)Attorney’s Fees and Costs