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Vaccine Cases (UNPUBLISHED)

Deciding Official

Date FiledDeciding OfficialCase NameKeywords: Click here to download opinion
05/08/2008Special Master MillmanHOWARD McLAUGHLIN and DOMINIANA McLAUGHLIN, parents ... v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (07-497V)Autism; statute of limitations; significant aggravation
05/08/2008Special Master MoranBILL AND APRIL PARCELLS, on behalf of their Deceased,... v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (03-1192V)Attorney's Fees and Cost
05/07/2008Special Master HastingsSHERRY LEE TAM, v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (07-251V)Stipulation
05/07/2008Special Master MoranSHEMEKA N. RAMSEY, Personal Representative of the Estate of DEMARIUS ..., v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (07-21V)Stipulation; Hepatitis B vaccine;Diphtheria-Tetanus-Acellular Pertussis, Haempophilus Influenza Type B,Inactivated Polio vaccine;death
05/07/2008Special Master MoranALLENE MIKOLYSKI, Natural Parent and Guardian Ad Litem for JOY MIKOLYSKI,... v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (07-88V)Attorney's Fees and Cost
05/06/2008Special Master GolkiewiczRAYMOND OSTRANDER v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (05-1046V)Influenza Vaccine; GBS; Stipulation
04/30/2008Special Master HastingsMICHAEL SHANE VICKERS and KELLY YVONNE VICKERS, parents of Michael ..., v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (02-1214V)Dismissal for failure to prosecute
04/30/2008Special Master Campbell-SmithLYNN MILLER, v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (99-541V)Attorneys' Fees and Costs
04/29/2008Special Master MillmanCAREN RUBIN, v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (99-645V)Attorney’s fees and costs; multiple sclerosis and optic neuritis following hepatitis B vaccination
04/28/2008Special Master EdwardsCLAIR SWAISS, v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (06-0638V)Attorneys’ Fees; Attorneys’ Costs; Personal Expenses
04/28/2008Special Master EdwardsMARYBETH BOESON, as mother and next friend of her son, GRIFFIN BOESON, v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (04-1254V)Attorneys’ Fees; Attorneys’ Costs; Personal Expenses
04/24/2008Special Master EdwardsALLEN EDWIN LANE, v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (08-0292V)Tetanus-Diphtheria (Td) Vaccine;Brachial Neuritis/Brachial Plexitis;Statute of Limitations; Dismissal
04/23/2008Special Master GolkiewiczPENNY PIVA REGO, v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (04-1734V)Attorney’s Fees and Costs
04/22/2008Special Master GolkiewiczDONALD TOBIN AVANT and MARGARET MORGAN AVANT, ... v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (08-120V)Dismissal; Statutory filing time frame of 24 months from date of death not met
04/22/2008Special Master VowellBRUCE THOMAS SAVIN, a minor, by his mother and ... v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (99-537V)Attorney Fees; Costs; Untimely Filing; Compensable Entries; Contemporaneous Record
04/21/2008Special Master MillmanTROY AMAR STORY, SR., as Parent and Legal Representative...v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (07-551V)Autism; statute of limitations
04/18/2008Special Master GolkiewiczMAUREEN E. CARR, v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (00-180V)Hepatitis B Vaccination; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Stipulation; Compensation Awarded
04/17/2008Special Master Campbell-SmithVICTORIA ANN SHEPPARD, the Estate of, by and through,..., v. SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, (04-112V)Attorneys’ Fees and Costs
04/16/2008Special Master MoranNANCEY COST, parent and legal representative of a minor child, JASON COST v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (07-234V)Stipulation; MMR vaccine; idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura