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Office of Science
Notice of Intent to Issue
Solicitation DE-FG01-04ER04-12

Atmospheric Science Program

Department of Energy

The DOE Atmospheric Science Program expects to publish a solicitation for new research on or about May 12, 2004. It is anticipated that approximately $4 million will be available in FY 2005. A draft description of this research program can be found at http://www.atmos.anl.gov/ASP/. A final description of this research program will be available when the solicitation for new research is published. Potential applicants are urged to develop applications based upon this draft program description, and submit their applications once the official announcement and final program description are published in May. The final program description may contain minor differences from this draft description; however, it may contain significant differences, so potential applicants should read the official announcement and the final program description carefully before submitting applications.

The deadline for submitting applications is expected to be approximately June 16, 2004.

Researchers interested in the Atmospheric Science Program are asked to submit a Notice of Intent to Apply, containing a one-to-two-page abstract to peter.lunn@science.doe.gov by March 17, 2004.

All applications submitted in response to the official announcement should explicitly state how the proposed research will support accomplishment of the DOE Climate Change Research Division’s (CCRD’s) Long Term Measure of Scientific Advancement to deliver improved data and models to determine acceptable levels of greenhouse gases and radiatively important aerosols in the atmosphere. Submitted applications that do not contain this information will not be considered for funding.

Funding for a project that requires a special field campaign, which has not already been planned and approved by the ASP Program Director, will be contingent on recommendation of the campaign by the ASP Science Steering Committee and final approval by the DOE Program Director. No field studies are currently approved, though a number of candidate field studies have been identified.

For more information, contact:

Peter Lunn
Program Director for Atmospheric Science
Climate Change Research Division
U.S. Department of Energy, SC-74
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington DC 20585-0002

Phone: 301-903-4819
Fax: 301-903-8519
Email: peter.lunn@science.doe.gov