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February 02, 2004 - (date of web publication)

NASA Satellites Shadow Groundhog's Predictions



Northeastern U.S.

February 02, 2004

High resolution image
Credit: MODIS Rapid Response

While Punxsutawney Phil was hiding from his shadow this morning, hovering above, a NASA satellite snapped this image of the Northeastern United States. No clouds were around the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to protect the groundhog from his shadow. The image shows clear skies and lots of snow and ice on the ground.

News reports say Phil saw his shadow, therefore predicting six more weeks of winter. However, there were some conflicting reports from other groundhogs around the country.

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Terra satellite acquired the image above on February 2, 2004, about 11:00 am eastern time, a few hours after Phil spotted his shadow.

Animated GIF of the U.S.

Zooming in on Punxsatawney, PA


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