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Alemi F, Mosavel M, Stephens RC, Ghadiri A, Krishnaswamy J, Thakkar H. Electronic self-help and support groups. Med Care 1996;34(10 Suppl):OS32-44.

Alemi F, Stephens RC, Javalghi RG, Dyches H, Butts J, Ghadiri A. A randomized trial of a telecommunications network for pregnant women who use cocaine. Med Care 1996 Oct;34(10 Suppl):OS10-20.

Alemi F, Stephens RC, Muise K, Dyches H, Mosavel M, Butts J. Educating patients at home. Community Health Rap. Med Care 1996;34[Suppl]:OS21-31.

Allen JK, Becker DM, Swank RT. Factors related to functional status after coronary artery bypass surgery. Heart Lung 1990;19:337-343. Comment in: Heart Lung 1991;20:210.

Alterman AI, Baughman TG. Videotape versus computer interactive education in alcoholic and nonalcoholic controls. Alcoholism 1991;15:39-44.

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American Association of Health Plans. AAHP member organizations. Accessed July 21, 1998.  Available from URL:

American Electronics Association. Cybernation. Accessed January 28, 1998.   Available from URL: (inactive)

American Library Association. 1997 national survey of public libraries and the Internet: summary results. Accessed March 31, 1998. Available from URL:

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Anderson RM, Funnell MM, Butler PM, et al. Patient empowerment. Results of a randomized trial. Diabetes Care 1995;18(7):943-949.

Aspen Institute. Vision For Health Learning: a Partnership Model. Vision Roundtable, Queenstown, Maryland, November 1 - 3, 1994.

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Baker DW, Parker RM, Williams MV, Pitkin K, Parikh NS, Coates W, Imara M. The health care experience of patients with low literacy. Arch Fam Med 1996;5:329-34.

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Comments:   Updated: 05/20/08