Flood Irrigation Services
2008 Schedule

North Tempe Irrigation Schedule
South Tempe Irrigation Schedule

Flooding Emergencies:  If you have a flooding emergency please call  480-350-2837 

Please Note: The City of Tempe does not provide flood irrigation services on weekends.
However SRP does deliver water to its "self-serve" customers on weekends.  To report flooding on weekends, please contact SRP Customer Service. 602-236-3333

What is an Irrigation "run"?

Each Irrigation "run" is one order of water delivered to an area. Runs begin on a Sunday night at 10:00PM and continue 24 hours per day until each account has been irrigated. Usually the runs are completed by Thursday. Fridays are used to perform unexpected maintenance. The exact time (day or night) you  receive water is approximate and depends upon your location within the area being irrigated and the variables listed below.

  • The delivery schedule and availability of water from Salt River Project
  • System capacity (pressure and flow capability of pipes)
  • The number of active accounts in each irrigation run
  • Condition of customer berms
  • Debris in customer yards (obstructions to flow)
  • Soil conditions (moist or dry)
  • Lot sizes
  • Equipment tampering
  • Main breaks (pipes fail)
  • Line condition (leaky or plugged pipes)

Each of these variables affect how effectively water can be delivered throughout the system. Water is usually delivered on the  scheduled delivery date (below). If your water is more than two days late, please contact the Water Utilities Department at 480-350-2837. Normal business hours are Mon.- Fri. between  6am and 4pm.

For 2008, one irrigation run  will be delivered in January, February and March. Beginning April 6th, runs will proceed every two weeks non-stop through October, for a total of 18 runs. This schedule ensures that ample water will be available during the hottest months of the year. No irrigation water will be delivered during the SRP dry-up period in November and December.

Find your subdivision in the left column. If you don not know which one is your subdivision, use the bordering streets to identify the area of your property. The scheduled delivery dates are in the right column. There are two sections (North and South) that receive irrigation simultaneously. Therefore Irrigation will be delivered to several neighborhoods and parks at the same time.




WILSON DITCH Includes area bordered by Mill Ave., Judd, 13th St. and University

1/6   2/3  3/2  4/6  4/20  5/4  5/18 6/1  6/15  6/29 7/13 7/27 8/10 8/24  9/7  9/21 10/5   10/19

TOMLINSON BORDEN Includes area bordered by 8th St, Apache, McClintock and Dorsey

1/13  2/10  3/9 4/13  4/27  5/11  5/25  6/8  6/22 
7/6  7/20 8/3 8/17 8/31  9/14  9/28 10/12  10/26

CAMPUS HOMES Includes area bordered by 13th St., 17th St., Roosevelt, and Southern Pacific Railroad

1/14 2/11 3/10 4/14 4/28 5/12 5/26  6/9 6/23 7/7  7/21  8/4   8/18  9/1   9/15  9/29 10/13 10/27

TOWN DITCH Includes area bordered by Mill Ave, College, 5th St. and University

1/15 2/12 3/11 4/15 4/29  5/13 5/27 6/10 6/24  7/22  8/5  8/19  9/2  9/16  9/30 10/14 10/28

NORTH PRIEST Includes area bordered by Farmer, Hardy, 5th St. and 1st St.

1/16 2/13 3/12 4/16 4/30 5/14 5/28 6/11 6/25  7/9 7/23  8/6  8/20  9/3  9/17  10/1  10/15 10/29

PAPAGO GARDENS Includes area bordered by McKellips, Marigold, Rural, Camellia

1/17 2/14 3/13 4/17  5/1 5/15 5/29 6/12 6/26 7/10 7/24 8/7 8/21 9/4 9/18 10/2 10/16 10/30





UNIVERSITY PARK Includes area bordered by Apache, Southern Pacific Railroad, McAllister, and Ash 

1/6  2/3  3/2  4/6  4/20  5/4  5/18 6/1  6/15  6/29  7/13 7/27 8/10 8/24  9/7  9/21  10/5  10/19

UNIVERSITY ESTATES Includes area bordered by Mill, College, Broadway and Southern Pacific Railroad

1/6  2/3  3/2 4/6  4/20  5/4  5/18 6/1  6/15  6/29  7/13  7/27 8/10  8/24  9/7  9/21  10/5  10/19

PALMCROFT Includes area bordered by Broadway, Palmcroft, Mill, and College.

1/8  2/5  3/4   4/8   4/22   5/6  5/20   6/3   6/17  7/1  7/15  7/29 8/12  8/26  9/9  9/23 10/7  10/21

HU-ESTA Includes area bordered by Mill, Southern Pacific Railroad, Broadway and Hu-esta.

1/9   2/6  3/5  4/9  4/23  5/7  5/21  6/4  6/18  7/2  7/16  7/30 8/13 8/27 9/10  9/24  10/8  10/22


1/10   2/7   3/6   4/10  4/24  5/8  5/22  6/5  6/19  7/3 7/17  7/31  8/14  8/28  9/11 9/25 10/9 10/23

HUDSON MANOR Includes area bordered by Southern Pacific Railroad, Apache, McClintock and Cedar.

1/13  2/10  3/9  4/13  4/27  5/11  5/25  6/8  6/22  7/6 7/20  8/3 8/17 8/31  9/14  9/28 10/12  10/26

BROADMOR Includes area bordered by Southern Pacific Railroad, Alameda, College, and Ventura.

1/16  2/13 3/12 4/16 4/30  5/14  5/28  6/11 6/25  7/2  7/23  8/6  8/20  9/3  9/17 10/1 10/15 10/29

If you have questions about the irrigation billing or your account status, please contact Customer Services (Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 5:00) at 480-350-8361.