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Welcome to USDA Rural Development 
in Georgia.

Through our  business, housing, and community programs and initiatives, USDA Rural Development invested over $184 million in Georgia's rural communities during Fiscal Year 2006. This investment has resulted in improved water and sewage services, new and improved community facilities, affordable rental housing for senior citizens and low-income families, homeownership for families, new jobs, new industries, and sustainable communities.  In addition, over $106 million in loans were made to rural electric membership cooperatives, $23 million in loans were made to rural telephone cooperatives, almost $34 million in rural broadband loans and a $500,000 loan was provided for distance learning.

President Bush has stated, “The goal of government is not to create wealth, but to create conditions where wealth can be created locally.”  USDA-Rural Development is proud to be a part of these efforts in Housing, Community Programs and Business Programs.

USDA Rural Development is dedicated to the goals of the Rural Development mission area. Helping the people of rural Georgia to develop sustainable communities and to improve their quality of life are the goals that we are striving to meet. 

We hope you will find this site to be interesting and informative. Thanks for stopping to visit! We look forward to serving you again soon. 

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Last Updated : March 24, 2008