Small Business Programs Office SBPO
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This page will be used as the primary conduit for communications from our office to the small business community as a whole. Stay tuned!


Congratulations Keith Joy!

Keith Manager of the Year

Keith received the DOE's Small Business Management & Operations Program Manager of the Year award at the 9th Annual US DOE Small Business Conference in San Antonio, TX.

Read the Article



ORNL SBPO Manager, Keith Joy was mentioned for small business support during the Q&A session of the House Subcommittee for Fair Access for Small Businesses to Federal Contracts

(Fast forward to around the 7:45 time)




Workers Safety and Health
10CFR851 Rule

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has officially announced a federal regulation (10 C.F.R. § 851, Worker Safety and Health Program) requiring its contractors and their subcontractors to have a Worker Safety and Health Program that reduces or prevents occupational injuries, illnesses, and accidental losses by providing DOE contractors and their workers with safe and healthful workplaces at DOE sites. This regulation becomes effective on February 9, 2007. For more information concerning this regulation, please follow the link below.





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