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Does NIST provide grants/awards for research in my field?

Grants/awards supporting research at industry, academic, and other institutions are available on a competitive basis through several different Institute offices. For general information on NIST grants programs, contact Melinda Chukran, (301) 975-5266.

NIST is providing administrative relief actions for grantees and recipients affected by recent hurricanes.

Measurement, Science, and Engineering Research Grants Program—Supports NIST laboratories with research in fields such as polymers, ceramics, metallurgy, fire research, neutron scattering and spectroscopy. Contact: Melinda Chukran, (301) 975-5266.

Precision Measurement Grants—Support researchers in U.S. colleges and universities for experimental and theoretical studies of fundamental physical phenomena. Contact: Peter Mohr, (301) 975-3217.

Small Business Innovation Research Program—Solicits research and development proposals from small businesses that respond to specific technical needs that are described in the annual Solicitation. SBIR contracts are awarded for R&D that directly supports a NIST project and for R&D needed to extend technologies developed at NIST for the purpose of commercializing the NIST technology. No unsolicited proposals are accepted. Program information is available at

Nanoelectronics—Supports research and innovation in nanoelectronics through a partnership between NIST and the Semiconductor Research Corp. (SRC). A news release is available with details on the NIST/SRC partnership. To apply for funding see the SRC’s Nanoelectronics Research Initiative Web site.

Technology Innovation Program—Provides cost-shared awards to industry, universities and consortia for research on potentially revolutionary technologies that address critical national and societal needs. (Note: This is a newly created program that has been authorized by Congress but has not yet received appropriations.)

Advanced Technology Program -- Provided multi-year, co-funding for high-risk, high-payoff civilian technology development by individual companies and industry-led joint ventures. The Advanced Technology Program was eliminated by the America Competes Act in August 2007, however previously selected awards can still be funded. The last set of awards was made in September 2007.

For additional information on grant opportunities, visit

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Date created: 9/6/00
Last updated: 11/13/07

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