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TFHRC Home > Safety > Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Publications > Table of Contents > APPENDIX B. CONFLICTS INVOLVING BICYCLISTS


The following table describes the 17 conflicts observed during the bicycle study.

No.SiteConflicting PartyConflict Description
1 101VehicleBicyclist crosses in crosswalk and brakes for right-turning vehicle. Vehicle stops.
2 106VehiclePerson in parked vehicle opens door just as bike comes by, causing bicyclist to swerve and brake suddenly, almost losing control of bicycle.
3 118VehicleOccupant of parked vehicle opens door just as bike comes by, causing bicyclist to swerve and brake suddenly.
4 122PedestrianPedestrian crosses street midblock between heavy traffic, does not see oncoming bike that has to stop suddenly, almost losing control.
5 124VehicleBicyclist on crosswalk swerves to avoid right-turning vehicle. Vehicle brakes hard.
6 124VehicleBicyclist swerves to avoid stopped vehicle; another vehicle from behind attempts to pass but has to brake because bicyclist is passing in front of them.
7 126VehicleBicyclist crosses street in front of oncoming vehicle, forcing the motorist to stop. Bicyclist has trouble pedaling and lingers in middle of street.
8 140VehicleBicyclist crosses intersection on red signal causing oncoming motorist to brake. Bicyclist swerves to avoid collision.
9 143VehicleBicyclist swerves left to avoid stopped vehicle ahead. Bicyclist swerves in front of vehicle in adjacent lane, causing motorist to brake suddenly.
10 144PedestrianBicyclist enters intersection on red signal and almost hits pedestrian crossing street.
11 209VehicleMotorist turns right in front of bicyclist in adjacent bike lane, causing bicyclist to brake hard and swerve suddenly.
12 209VehicleBicyclist does not stop for red signal but instead swerves back and forth in bike lane and adjacent lanes, not watching for vehicles in adjacent lanes. Motorist in right-turn lane has to brake suddenly to avoid swerving bike.
13 315VehicleMotorist in through lane cuts to right to get into right-turn lane, in front of adjacent bicyclist, causing bicyclist to brake hard and swerve.
14 402VehicleBicyclist crosses in front of oncoming vehicle, causing motorist to brake suddenly. Driver blows horn, bicyclist increases speed and proceeds across.
15 412VehicleBicyclist in bike lane makes left turn in near crosswalk, goes halfway across, then stops for traffic making left turn from cross street. Bicyclist eventually does U-turn.
16 424VehicleBicyclist enters intersection as signal changes from yellow to red. Vehicle on side street starts through on green but has to stop for bicyclist. Bicyclist also brakes.
17 425VehicleMotorist makes left turn in front of oncoming bicyclist in bike lane at unsignalized intersection. Bicyclist has to brake suddenly and stop. Motorist also brakes, then proceeds slowly.

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