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  Obscenity, Indecency & Profanity - How To File a Complaint

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How to File a Complaint

Complaints may be filed via:

You can help us resolve your complaint more quickly by providing as much of the following information as possible: (1) the date and time the material was aired; (2) the call sign, channel, or frequency of the station; (3) the city and state where the program was viewed; and (4) as many details as possible about the content of the broadcast to help the FCC determine whether the material was obscene, profane, or indecent. You may support your allegations by a full or partial tape or transcript, or by providing a significant excerpt, but these are not required. The key is to provide enough information for staff to determine both the specific content of the complained-of material and the context in which it was broadcast. It is also helpful to include your address, e-mail and phone numbers.

If you choose to submit a recording, you should send the recording to Federal Communications Commission, Investigations & Hearings Division/Enforcement Bureau, 9300 East Hampton Drive, Capital Heights, MD 20743. Any documentation of the programming becomes part of the Commission's records and cannot be returned.

last reviewed/updated on Thu May 22 09:17:42 EDT 2008
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