NIH Fellows Handbook

NIH Research Festival

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The NIH Research Festival is an annual scientific conference involving all the institutes and centers (ICs) of NIH. The Research Festival's purpose is "to bring together the NIH intramural research community in all of its scientific diversity," explained Dr. Arthur S. Levine, former NICHD Scientific Director and twice chairman of the organizing committee. During the Festival thousands of scientists and clinicians convene for dozens of lectures and hundreds of posters presented by both senior and junior investigators and distinguished guests. The wide-ranging program, held in the Natcher Conference Center on the Bethesda campus, ofen includes special exhibits on intramural resources as well as picnics and musical entertainment. Also featured is the Research Festival Scientific Equipment Show organized by the Technical Sales Association (TSA), which hosts booths from over three hundred manufacturers and providers of biomedical products and services.

Researchers from all ICs are invited to present posters at the Festival. Lecture speakers are determined by organizers of the various symposia which are arranged by the chairperson and members of the Research Festival Organizing Committee with the cooperation of representatives of various NIH Scientific Interest Groups.

No registration or fee is required to attend the Festival. For Research Festival dates or application information, contact the NIH Special Projects Office, 301.496.1776, fax 301.402.0601, or send e-mail to the NIH Research Festival.

In conjunction with the Research Festival, the National Foundation for Biomedical Research and the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education sponsor an annual job fair for postdoctoral fellows. Representatives from the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry are invited to meet with fellows who upon completion of their research training will be seeking permanent employment in the broader scientific community.

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Page last revised on April 3, 2008 (sva)