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IV Global Forum on Fighting Corruption: From Words to Deeds

Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Washington, DC
June 10, 2005

Brasilia, Brazil
June 10, 2005

Final Declaration

1. The Heads of Delegation, meeting in Brasilia, on June 7, 8, 9 and 10, 2005, for the Fourth Global Forum on Fighting Corruption, renew, with this Declaration, their commitment to continue working together toward the common objective of preventing and fighting corruption.

2. To this end, they reaffirm the importance of the Global Forums, which were developed with a view to exchange knowledge and to promote implementation of legal instruments against corruption.

3. Recognize that corruption is a complex economic, political and social problem that threatens democracy, economic growth and the rule of law, contributes, in particular, to corrupt practices and to the spread of organized crime and terrorism and has destructive repercussions in every sphere of our societies. For this reason, they further underscore the Global Forum concept as an effective platform for the exchange of experiences and the promotion of international cooperation aimed at confronting corruption in all of its manifestations.

4. Within the scope of the Fourth Global Forum, based around the theme "From Words to Deeds," the Heads of Delegation:

  • Reaffirm their commitment to the effective implementation of the international anticorruption conventions and recognize, in particular, the importance of signing and ratifying the United Nations Convention against Corruption;

  • Emphasize the need for capacity-building and the continual improvement and enhancement of the follow-up mechanisms for the international anticorruption conventions in force, to which their countries are parties;

  • Encourage governments to deny safe haven to corrupt persons and entities "public and private" and their corruptly acquired assets, and to those who corrupt them, and to promote cooperation on extradition, mutual legal assistance and the recovery and return of proceeds of corruption;

  • Underscore the contribution the Global Forums have made since the first edition to the discussions on the prevention and fight against corruption and promoting good governance, as well as the culture of integrity and express their desire that the Forum’s proposals and conclusions be given practical implementation.

Fifth Global Forum

The Heads of Delegation applaud the leadership of South Africa in accepting to host the Fifth Global Forum on Fighting Corruption and express their intention to cooperate to the extent possible in the organization of the Fifth Global Forum on Fighting Corruption.

Brasilia, June 10, 2005

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