Welcome to the Department of Rehabilitation - 
Employment, Independence, & Equality


Disability Law

ADA Technical Assistance CD-ROM:

Free CD-Rom with Americans with Disabilities Act information and technical assistance.

U.S. Department of Justice,
Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section
Order the CD-ROM via the Internet or call the ADA Information Line at 1-800-514-0301 (voice) or 1-800-514-0383 (TTY), 24 hours every day.

Department of Justice ADA Guidance for Employers:

Several employer guidance documents pertaining to the ADA.

  1. - ADA Employment Questions and Answers for Business
  2. - ADA Guide for Small Businesses
  3. - ADA Small Business Tax Incentives Packet
  4. - Readily Achievable Checklist for Existing Business Facilities
  5. - ADA Information Services

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ADA Guidance for Employers:

EEOC: Quick Start for Employers

Law, Health Policy & Disability Center:

Based at the University of Iowa College of Law, the center concentrates on public policy and its impact on persons with disabilities.

Pacific ADA & IT Center (Pacific DBTAC):

One of 10 federally funded regional resource centers on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that provides information, problem solving assistance and referrals for implementing the ADA.