Small Businesses

How To Be A USTDA Contractor: Practical Information for Small Businesses

Almost all contracts with USTDA are reserved for small businesses. Of these, most contracting opportunities are for technical experts qualified in the areas of energy and power (including electricity, oil, and gas), project finance, health, manufacturing, mining & natural resources, telecommunications and information technology, transportation (including aviation, rail, and ports), and water and the environment (including solid waste). The contracts, called Desk Studies (if no overseas travel is necessary) or Definitional Missions (if overseas travel is necessary), involve researching the technical and financial aspects of infrastructure projects in the developing world. Contractors write detailed technical reports addressed to USTDA that are part of the agency's due diligence review process on funding proposals.

Contract assignments last anywhere from several days to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the assignment. USTDA signs approximately 150 of these contracts per year.