Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005



DAEOgrams are memoranda from OGE to the executive branch Designated Agency Ethics Officials (DAEOs) providing guidance on how to interpret and comply with modifications or new issuances of conflict of interest regulations, standards of conduct regulations, or financial disclosure policies and procedures.

Links to OGE 1992-2008 DAEOgrams

DO99001 01-05-99 Employee Acceptance of Commercial Discounts and Benefits TXT HTML PDF
DO99001A 01-05-99 Attachment to DO99001 - Acceptance of Discounts & Benefits TXT HTML PDF
DT99002 01-08-99 Intermediate Ethics Courses in Washington TXT HTML PDF
DT99002A 01-08-99 Attachment to DT99002 - Course Descriptions TXT HTML PDF
DT99002B 01-08-99 Attachment to DT99002 - Registration Form - Post Employment TXT HTML PDF
DT99002C 01-08-99 Attachment to DT99002 - Registration Form - Intermediate 18 U.S.C. § 208 TXT HTML PDF
DT99002D 01-08-99 Attachment to DT99002 - Registration Form - Exemptions & Waivers TXT HTML PDF
DT99003 01-11-99 Conference Session Proposals for the 1999 Ethics Conference TXT HTML PDF
DT99003A 01-11-99 Attachment to DT99003 - Conference Session Proposal Form TXT HTML PDF
DT99004 01-11-99 Introductory Ethics Courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99004A 01-11-99 Attachment to DT99004 - Registration Form TXT HTML PDF
DO99005 02-08-99 Regional Development Seminar in Denver TXT HTML PDF
DO99005A 02-08-99 Attachment to DO99005 - Registration Form TXT HTML PDF
DT99006 02-10-99 Intermediate Ethics Courses in Washington, DC TXT HTML PDF
DT99006A 02-10-99 Attachment to DT99006 - Course Descriptions TXT HTML PDF
DT99006B 02-10-99 Attachment to DT99006 - Registration Form TXT HTML PDF
DO99007 02-22-99 NARA Publishes Disposition Instructions for Travel Reports TXT HTML PDF
DT99008 02-24-99 Introductory Ethics Courses in Washington, DC TXT HTML PDF
DT99008A 02-24-99 Attachment to DT99008 - Registration Form TXT HTML PDF
DT99009 03-05-99 Introductory Ethics Courses in Philadelphia, PA and Albuquerque, NM in April TXT HTML PDF
DT99009A 03-05-99 Attachment to DT99009 - Registration Form for Philadelphia, PA courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99009B 03-05-99 Attachment to DT99009 - Registration Form for Albuquerque, NM courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99010 03-12-99 New Web-Based Ethics Training TXT HTML PDF
DO99011 03-18-99 Recent OGE Forms Renewal Matters TXT HTML PDF
DO99011A 03-18-99 Attachment to DO99011 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Proposed Slightly Revised OGE Form 450 Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Report, 64 Fed. Reg. 10151-10153 (03/02/99) TXT HTML PDF
DO99011B 03-18-99 Attachment to DO99011 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Proposed Slightly Revised OGE Form 201 Ethics Access Form, 64 Fed. Reg. 5657-5658 (02/04/99) TXT HTML PDF
DT99012 03-26-99 Intermediate Ethics Courses Offered in Washington, DC; Seattle, WA; and San Diego, CA in May TXT HTML PDF
DT99012A 03-26-99 Attachment to DT99012 - Intermediate Ethics Training Course Descriptions TXT HTML PDF
DT99012B 03-26-99 Attachment to DT99012 - Registration Form for Washington, DC courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99012C 03-26-99 Attachment to DT99012 - Registration Form for Seattle, WA courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99012D 03-26-99 Attachment to DT99012 - Registration Form for San Diego, CA courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99013 04-02-99 Introductory Ethics Courses Offered in Dallas, TX and San Francsico, CA in May TXT HTML PDF
DT99013A 04-02-99 Attachment to DT99013- Registration Form for Dallas, TX courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99013B 04-02-99 Attachment to DT99013 - Registration Form for San Francisco, CA courses TXT HTML PDF
D099014 04-12-99 OGE Regulations and an Agency's Duty to Engage in Collective Bargaining TXT HTML PDF
D099015 04-14-99 18 U.S.C. § 208 and defined benefit pension plans TXT HTML PDF
D099016 04-15-99 Availability of 1998 Opinions for the second half of 1998 TXT HTML PDF
D099017 04-26-99 Prizes as gifts -- Guidance concerning the exclusion at 5 C.F.R. § 2635.203(b)(5) TXT HTML PDF
D099018 04-26-99 Recusal Obligation and Screening Arrangements TXT HTML PDF
D099019 04-26-99 FAQ: Frequently asked questions about Certificates of Divestiture TXT HTML PDF
D099019A 04-26-99 Attachment to DO99019 - "Smooth Sales" pamphlet TXT HTML PDF
D099020 04-28-99 Ethical Challenges of Privatization and Partnering TXT HTML PDF
DT99021 04-28-99 Introductory Public Financial Disclosure Ethics Training in Washington, DC TXT HTML PDF
DT99021A 04-28-99 Attachment to DT99021- Registration Form for Washington, DC course TXT HTML PDF
DO99022 04-30-99 Update of Listing of Executive Branch Agency Officials Subject to Annual SF 278 Report Filing with OGE for CY 1998 TXT HTML PDF
DO99023 05-10-99 Annual Government Ethics Conference, September 13-16, 1999 TXT HTML PDF
DO99023A 05-10-99 1999 Annual Government Ethics Conference Pamphlet TXT HTML PDF
DO99023B 05-10-99 Proposed Concurrent Session Ideas Form for the 1999 Annual Government Ethics Conference TXT HTML PDF
DO99023C 05-10-99 Prelimary Conference Outline for the 1999 Annual Government Ethics Conference TXT HTML PDF
DO99023D 05-10-99 Conference Registration Forms for the 1999 Annual Government Ethics Conference TXT HTML PDF
DO99023E 05-10-99 Marriott Hotel Information for the 1999 Annual Government Ethics Conference TXT HTML PDF
DO99024 05-19-99 Supreme Court Decision in U.S. v Sun-Diamond Growers TXT HTML PDF
DT99025 05-21-99 Introductory Ethics Courses in Washington, DC TXT HTML PDF
DT99025A 05-21-99 Attachment to DT99025- Registration Form for Washington, DC course TXT HTML PDF
DO99026 05-21-99 Reporting Payments Accepted Under 31 U.S.C. § 1353 TXT HTML PDF
DT99027 06-01-99 Introductory Ethics Courses offered in Boston, Kansas City, Minneapolis and Denver TXT HTML PDF
DT99027A 06-01-99 Attachment to DT99027- Registration Form for Boston, MA courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99027B 06-01-99 Attachment to DT99027- Registration Form for Kansas City, MO courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99027C 06-01-99 Attachment to DT99027- Registration Form for Minneapolis, MN courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99027D 06-01-99 Attachment to DT99027- Registration Form for Denver, CO courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99028 06-09-99 Regional Development Seminar in San Francisco TXT HTML PDF
DT99028A 06-09-99 Attachment to DO99028- Registration Form for San Francisco Seminar TXT HTML PDF
DO99029 06-15-99 New Edition of the OGE Form 450 Confidential Financial Disclosure Report TXT HTML PDF
450FORM 06-15-99 Attachment to DO99029- New Revised OGE Form 450 (04/99 edition). TXT HTML PDF
DO99030 07-19-99 First Round Paperwork Notice For A Proposed Moderately Revised Version of the SF 278 Report Form TXT HTML PDF
DO99030A 07-19-99 Attachment to DO99030 - Proposed Collection;Comment Request;Proposed Moderately Revised SF 278 Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report, 64 Fed. Reg. 37536-37539 (07/12/99) TXT HTML PDF
DO99031 07-19-99 A Reminder on Use of OGE Optional Form 450-A TXT HTML PDF
DO99032 07-19-99 1998 Conflict of Interest Prosecution Survey TXT HTML PDF
DO99033 09-07-99 Inflation Adjustments of Civil Monetary Penalties Under the Ethics in Government Act TXT HTML PDF
DO99034 09-09-99 Publication of Materials Updating The Informal Advisory Letters and Memoranda and Formal Opinions (1998) TXT HTML PDF
DO99035 09-09-99 OGE Reaffirms Applicability of Section 208 Exemption in Outsourcing and Privitization Activities TXT HTML xPDFx
DT99036 09-27-99 Ideas for the 2000 Annual Government Ethics Conference TXT HTML PDF
DT99036A 09-27-99 Attachment to DT99036 - Form for Proposed Conference Ideas TXT HTML PDF
DO99037 10-20-99 Results of the Confidential Financial Disclosure System Review TXT HTML PDF
DO99037A 10-20-99 Attachment to DO99037 - Additional Information on OGE's Review TXT HTML PDFx
DT99038 10-21-99 Ethics Training Sessions Offered in Washington, DC TXT HTML PDF
DT99038A 10-21-99 Attachment to DT99038- Registration Form for Washington, DC Training Sessions TXT HTML PDF
DO99039 10-22-99 New Edition of the OGE Form 201 Ethics Act Access Form TXT HTML PDF
201FORM 10-22-99 Attachment to DO99039 - OGE Form 201 Ethics Act Access Form TXT HTML PDF
DO99040 10-27-99 1999 Agency Ethics Program Questionnaire TXT HTML PDF
DO99040A 10-27-99 Attachment to DO99040 - 1999 Questionnaire TXT HTML PDF
DT99041 11-02-99 Intermediate Ethics Courses offered in Atlanta, Ga, Washington, DC and Chicago, IL TXT HTML PDF
DT99041A 11-02-99 Attachment to DT99041- Registration Form for Atlanta, GA courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99041B 11-02-99 Attachment to DT99041- Registration Form for Washington, DC courses TXT HTML PDF
DT99041C 11-02-99 Attachment to DT99041- Registration Form for Chicago, IL courses TXT HTML PDF
DO99042 11-03-99 Contingency Fees and 18 U.S.C. § 203 TXT HTML PDF
DT99043 11-05-99 Reprinting of The Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, Revised as of September 30, 1999 TXT HTML PDF
DO99044 11-18-99 Reporting Payments Accepted Under 31 U.S.C. § 1353 TXT HTML PDF
DO99045 11-18-99 Annual Updating of 18 U.S.C.§ 207(c) Component Designations TXT HTML PDF
DO99046 11-23-99 Joint Initiative on the Creation of Retention Periods for Common Ethics Program Records TXT HTML PDF
DO99047 12-01-99 Program Plan of Agency Reviews for Calendar Year 2000 TXT HTML PDF
DO99047A 12-01-99 Attachment to DO99047 - Program Plan of Agency Reviews for Calendar Year 2000 TXT HTML xPDFx
DO99048 12-21-99 Second Paperwork Round For A Proposed Moderately Revised Version of the SF 278 Report Form TXT HTML PDF
DO99049 12-22-99 18 U.S.C. § 203 TXT HTML PDF
DT99050 12-23-99 Introductory Ethics Course Offered in Washington, DC TXT HTML PDF
DT99050A 12-23-99 Attachment to DT99050- Registration Form for Washington, DC course TXT HTML PDF