Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005



DAEOgrams are memoranda from OGE to the executive branch Designated Agency Ethics Officials (DAEOs) providing guidance on how to interpret and comply with modifications or new issuances of conflict of interest regulations, standards of conduct regulations, or financial disclosure policies and procedures.

Links to OGE 1992-2008 DAEOgrams

DA011593 01-15-93 Applicability of the Clinton Administration ethics guidelines TXT HTML PDF
DT93014 04-16-93 Regional Ethics Courses - New York and London TXT HTML PDF
DO93016 05-07-93 Reporting Payments Accepted Under 31 U.S.C. § 1353 TXT HTML PDF
DO93017 06-21-93 Publication of Three New Ethics Training Pamphlets TXT HTML PDF
DO93018 07-13-93 Coordination of Annual Agency Ethics Training Through The Ethics Bulletin Board System (TEBBS) TXT HTML PDF
DO93019 07-14-93 The Second Annual Ethics Training Plan TXT HTML PDF
DO93021 07-21-93 Program Assistance Division 1993 Agency Survey TXT HTML PDF
DT93020 07-15-93 SF 450 Review Guide TXT HTML PDF
DO93022 08-05-93 Availability of the three-ring, loose-leaf binder for the Supplements to The Informal Advisory Letters and Memoranda and Formal Opinions of the United States Office of Government Ethics TXT HTML PDF
DO93023 08-09-93 Attorney General's Statement of Covered Activities Required by Section 4(d) of Executive Order 12834 TXT HTML PDF
DO93024 08-25-93 Fundraising Activities TXT HTML PDF
DO93025 09-17-93 Proposed amendment to confidential disclosure rule TXT HTML PDF
DO93026 09-17-93 Revised OGE Form 201 TXT HTML PDF
DO93027 09-29-93 Honoraria TXT HTML PDF
DO93028 10-18-93 Annual Agency Ethics Report TXT HTML PDF
DT93029 11-04-93 Identifying Ethics Training Materials TXT HTML PDF
DO93030 11-08-93 Reporting Payments Accepted Under 31 U.S.C. § 1353 TXT HTML PDF
DO93031 11-15-93 Recent Settlements of Civil Penalty Actions Brought Under 18 U.S.C. § 216(b) TXT HTML PDF
DO93032 11-19-93 Annual Update of 18 U.S.C. § 207(c) Component Designations TXT HTML PDF
DO93033 11-22-93 Agency Supplemental Standards Regulations TXT HTML PDF
DO93034 11-24-93 Program Plan of Agency Reviews for Calendar Year 1994 TXT HTML PDF
DT93035 11-24-93 Reprinting of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Ethics Pamphlets TXT HTML PDF
DO93036 12-06-93 Conflict of Interest Prosecution Survey TXT HTML PDF
DO93037 12-06-93 Elimination of bank account reporting and related matters on the SF 450 (Confidential Financial Disclosure Form) TXT HTML PDF
DT93038 12-13-93 International Ethics Training Coordination TXT HTML PDF