Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005



DAEOgrams are memoranda from OGE to the executive branch Designated Agency Ethics Officials (DAEOs) providing guidance on how to interpret and comply with modifications or new issuances of conflict of interest regulations, standards of conduct regulations, or financial disclosure policies and procedures.

Links to OGE 1992-2008 DAEOgrams

DT03001 01-16-03 Washington, DC Ethics Courses offered in February TXT HTML PDF
DO03002 01-28-03 Desk Officer Assignments TXT HTML PDF
DO03002a 01-28-03 Attachment - Listing of Desk Officer Assignments TXT HTML PDF
DO03003 02-19-03 Proposed Post-employment Rule TXT HTML PDF
DT03004 03-31-03 SF 278 Courses offered in Washington, DC TXT HTML PDF
DO03005 04-24-03 Yearly Update of the List of Executive Branch Officials Required to File Annual Public Financial Disclosure Reports with Office of Government Ethics (OGE) TXT HTML PDF
DO03006 05-07-03 Availability of the Informal Advisory Letters and Memoranda and Formal Opinions of the United States Office of Government Ethics TXT HTML PDF
DO03007 05-15-03 Due Dates for Public Financial Disclosure Reports of Executive Branch Officials Required to File with the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) TXT HTML PDF
DO03008 05-15-03 Reporting Payments Under 31 U.S.C. § 1353 TXT HTML PDF
DT03009 05-16-03 Dallas Ethics Symposium, June 17-18, 2003 TXT HTML PDF
DO03010 06-16-03 Program Plan of Agency Reviews for the Second Half of Calendar Year 2003 TXT HTML PDF
DO03011 06-30-03 Inherently Governmental and Commercial Ethics Official Activities TXT HTML PDF
DT03012 07-09-03 Ethics Courses offered in Washington, DC:
August 6, 7, 12
DT03013 07-25-03 San Francisco Regional Ethics Symposium TXT HTML PDF
DT03013a 07-25-03 Agenda for San Francisco Regional Ethics Symposium TXT HTML PDF
DT03014 08-13-03 Ethics Courses offered in Washington, DC: September 9, 10, 23, & 24 TXT HTML PDF
DO03015 08-25-03 Unmodified SF 278 Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report TXT HTML PDF
DO03016 09-16-03 New Edition of the OGE Form 201 (Request to Inspect or Receive Copies of SF 278 Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Reports or Other Covered Records) TXT HTML PDF
DT03017 09-26-03 Denver Regional Ethics Symposium TXT HTML PDF
DO03018 10-03-03 Program Plan of Agency Reviews for the First Half of Calendar Year 2004 TXT HTML PDF
DO03019 10-07-03 Annual Update of 18 U.S.C. § 207(c) Component Designations TXT HTML PDF
DT03020 10-15-03 Washington, DC Ethics Courses offered in November/December TXT HTML PDF
DO03021 10-23-03 Financial Disclosure Reporting Requirements for Special Government Employees TXT HTML PDF
DO03022 10-31-03 2002 Conflict of Interest Prosecution Survey TXT HTML PDF
DO03023 11-18-03 Reporting Payments Accepted Under 31 U.S.C. § 1353 TXT HTML PDF